Biography of Dr. Osama Al-Azhari, candidate for the Ministry of Endowments

Sources confirmed that Dr. Osama Al-Azhari candidate for the portfolio Endowments With the new government, Osama Al-Sayed Mahmoud Muhammad Al-Azhari was born in Alexandria on Friday, Rajab 18, 1396 AH – July 16, 1976 AD. He grew up in Sohag, Upper Egypt, and his father blessed his desire to memorize the Holy Quran.

His education was not limited to what he received during his official academic studies at Al-Azhar, but rather he sought religious sciences and others through the company and companionship of the people of every science from the specialists of the great ones. Al-Azhar scholars Al-Sharif Al-Ma’mur, then a number of the greatest scholars of the Levant, Yemen, and the Maghreb. He mentioned a number of them in some of his books, such as the Dictionary of Sheikhs, the Chains of Transmission of Egyptians, and others.

He grew up in Upper Egypt, known for its conservative traditions and the large number of people who memorized the Holy Qur’an there, with the prevalence of an authentic scientific atmosphere, deeply rooted in Islamic history, in addition to the availability of… Al-Azhar Education Official and unofficial, and the great love that the people of this region have and the appreciation that they show for scholars, especially Al-Azhar scholars.

There, his father took care to ensure that he memorized the Holy Quran and attended the classes of Al-Azhar. He encouraged what he saw in him of readiness to receive, a voracious appetite for reading and studying, a passion for knowledge and scholars, looking into their biographies and studying their biographies, and his reluctance to waste his time on what his peers were accustomed to doing of playing and having fun, despite his frequent travels to nearby and distant villages, seeking to sit with scholars and those with various scientific interests. His father – may God have mercy on him – often prayed for him that God would grant him knowledge.

He obtained a PhD from the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion with first class honors, with a recommendation for printing and circulation in 2011.

He obtained a higher degree (Bachelor’s) from the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion and Islamic Propagation at Al-Azhar University in 1999 AD.

Obtained: Master’s degree in Hadith and its Sciences from the College of Fundamentals of Religion and Islamic Propagation in 2005 AD.

He worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of Hadith at the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion and Islamic Propagation in Assiut in 2000 AD, then as an assistant teacher at the same faculty in 2005 AD.

He worked as an assistant teacher at the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion and Islamic Propagation in Zagazig. He studied a number of Islamic sciences and others independently with a number of senior scholars specialized in the sciences of: Hadith, interpretation, principles of jurisprudence, logic, grammar, creed, and others. He obtained a license from more than three hundred scholars with chains of transmission, from different Islamic countries. He was honored to accompany and accompany a number of scholars of the venerable Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, then a number of senior scholars from the Levant, Yemen, and the Maghreb.

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