A ninja turtle in the park: even when it falls on him – Boogie Ya’alon misses the moment of glory

From the murky waters of the Yarkon he came up to us – he climbed with determination on the bank, cut with a machete the dry bushes next to the amusement park, and gave the camera a look of at least Doron Cavillo or Jack Bower.

Who would have believed, but thanks to Hezbollah’s failed plot to assassinate Moshe Bogi Ya’alon – the former defense minister became the most sought-after interviewee of the moment and stormed into a round of interviews. Yes, our boogie. Then he started talking, and we remembered that he has the charisma of a turtle. I mean, Ninja Turtle.

Interviews with Moshe Bogi Ya’alon, Photo: Keshet 12

With Oded Ben Ami, on Channel 12, Boogie spoke directly from Yarkon Park. “I returned to the scene of the crime,” he said, after having to wait almost an hour for them to contact him from the studio. “I guess they want to eliminate me,” boasted the man who did not survive the political assassination attempts that eventually pushed him out of the parliamentary system and public consciousness.

“They tried to eliminate me several times in the past, and this time they didn’t succeed either,” boasted the former chief of staff, and filtered an embarrassed smile behind the microphone. “That’s why I take precautions with breaking routine,” he added.

Interviews with Moshe Bogi Ya’alon, Photo: Keshet 12

“But you keep hanging around there. Here, now you’re talking to us from there,” Ben Ami pressed him, and immediately began trying to squeeze more information from the interviewee about the intriguing security disclosure. But Ya’alon, like a yellow soldier in a captive workshop, maintained ambiguity, and to convey a topic he used the same joke that also made Lucy Ahrish laugh, an hour earlier on Channel 13: “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean I’m not being chased.”

So who is chasing him? For a few short moments Bogie was a real ninja turtle, but he immediately used the focus to divert the conversation to Netanyahu’s failure, to the danger brought by Ben Gabir and Smotrich, to missed opportunities with Sinwar, and ended with a gloomy assessment that “they are leading the country to destruction” .

Interviews with Moshe Bogi Ya’alon, Photo: Network 13

Thanks to an explosive device that missed us Bogie Ya’alon was supposed to be yesterday’s hero. If Nasrallah is investing efforts to eliminate Bogie, maybe we should look at the man differently? But boogie is boogie.

Even when fame falls on him in the middle of a morning run in the park, he doesn’t know how to use it properly. In the end, the interviewers were more eager to talk to him about Bibi than about the assassination attempt, and they also included him as the last item of every program. The interview in the park ended when the sun set and Aleta spread over the photo area. That was the moment when the momentary glory jumped into the Yarkon water, and Boogie disappeared into the darkness of the night. And not for the first time.

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