3 categories are prohibited from eating soy during Ramadan. Breaking their fast with it threatens their health

Written by: Shaima Morsi

Sobia is one of the Ramadan drinks that contains many health benefits. However, some groups are prohibited from consuming it due to the health harm it causes to them.

Benefits of sobia drink

Dr. Shaima Fekry, a nutritionist and member of the Egyptian Society for Therapeutic Nutrition (EASHTN), identified in her statement to “Masrawy” the benefits of sobia:

– One of the best Ramadan drinks that can be consumed during the month of Ramadan.

– It helps treat thinness, because it contains 250 calories.

– It maintains healthy skin, thanks to it containing vitamins B and A.

– It helps stimulate the thyroid gland, because it contains vitamin A.

– It contains zinc, which helps strengthen the immune system

– A natural laxative and prevents constipation.

– A source of good fats.

Categories prohibited from eating sobia

– Cholesterol patients if they eat it excessively, because it contains a high percentage of manufactured fatty preservatives.

– Diabetics, because it contains a high percentage of sugar.

– Insulin resistance patients.

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