A government report reveals the most important achievements of the agricultural sector in 13 areas

Prepare Agricultural sector It is one of the main priority sectors within the framework of the National Economic and Social Reform Program in its second phase, which focuses on the “real” economy and making structural reforms in the state’s productive structure.

The importance of developing the agricultural sector is highlighted due to the growing food needs of citizens in light of rapid population growth, with the population exceeding 105 million people, in addition to the effective role of agriculture in providing the requirements for the industrial renaissance of primary raw materials and intermediate requirements.

In this regard, the economic and social performance follow-up report for the fiscal year 2022/2023 submitted by the Minister of Planning, Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, to the two chambers of Parliament (Representatives and Senate), shed light on the achievements of the agricultural sector in 13 areas as follows:

First: In the field of providing selected, high-quality seeds, and screening and fumigation services for crops:

1- Completing the establishment and improvement of seed inspection and certification stations with the aim of replacing and modernizing the infrastructure in the seed industry by providing production requirements, including pesticides and fertilizers.

2- Expanding the provision of approved seeds for crops by developing short-lived crop varieties and hybrids

High productivity, early maturity, resistant to biological stresses, and water-saving for basic crops, such as wheat, corn, rice, cotton, and beans. The areas planted with new varieties and strains of crops targeted by the national program reached about 30.9 thousand acres.

3- Continue activating the national program for seed production for vegetable crops, by developing and registering about (30) new hybrids and varieties of these crops for commercial circulation, such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, peas, watermelon, cowpeas, beans, cucumbers, and zucchini, which reduces the import of seeds and lowers the cost of their production.

4- Cultivating 120 acres to produce seeds for the rice crop with different varieties, achieving a higher productivity of 20 to 27 ardba per acre).

5- Contracting with the National Authority for Military Production to establish a screening station on an area of ​​(5) acres of state property in the Al-Kawthar neighborhood in Sohag Governorate, and for the General Crop Administration to screen about 3.9 thousand tons, and fumigate about 2.8 thousand tons.

6- Cultivation of corn for triple hybrid varieties, yellow (368) and white (324).

7- Cultivation of maize for grain production and silage production (5198 tons of silage with an average productivity of 20-21 tons per acre).

8- Production of (2000) tissue culture shoots.

9- Producing ten thousand olive seedlings and distributing them to farmers.

Second: In the field of contract agriculture

Expanding the implementation of the contract farming system and applying it to eight strategic crops, including wheat, sugarcane, sugar beets, soybeans, white corn, yellow corn, sunflowers, and cotton, with prices announced at an appropriate time before planting, and the approval of remunerative prices for the supply of the crop that will be an impetus for the expansion of agriculture and supply, as well as By facilitating procedures for receiving the crop and prompt payment of farmers’ dues.

Third: In the field of improving the properties of agricultural soil and improving irrigation

1- Implementing and adding a quantity of 28.2 thousand tons of agricultural gypsum, an area of ​​14.1 thousand acres, distributed among the governorates.

2 – Preparing soil properties studies for an area of ​​159.7 thousand acres using about 6.7 thousand samples.

3- Developing work on organic agriculture and soil fertility and conducting about 265 analysis samples.

4- Conducting subsoil plowing operations to break up the hard soil layers on an area of ​​128.9 thousand acres.

5- Distributing about 2.6 million tons of subsidized fertilizers to farmers.

6- Removing encroachments on agricultural lands (about 3.5 thousand cases).

7- Economic and social performance follow-up report during the fiscal year 2022/23

8 – Conducting a laser leveling process for an area of ​​135 thousand acres, and grading operations for an area of ​​118.6 thousand acres to address levels and rationalize consumption.

9- The waterways of an area of ​​345.3 thousand acres were cleared, to protect agricultural lands from fallowing and bulldozing and to save about 20-25% of the amounts of irrigation water used.

10- Maintenance of 100 water wells and construction of (15) dams.

11- Achieving a water saving of 247.2 million cubic meters within the framework of the rationalization and needs management program.

12- Completing the national program to combat desertification.

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