Ahmed El-Segini: President Sisi’s speech included a comprehensive vision to confront challenges and achieve development

Engineer Ahmed Al-Sajini, Chairman of the Local Administration Committee in the House of Representatives, said: President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi He was sworn in before the House of Representatives in the New Administrative Capital, in a historic session and a scene befitting the size of the Egyptian state, to begin a new presidential term to complete the process of construction and development and launch the new republic.

Al-Sijini pointed out that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s historic speech to the Egyptian people during the constitutional oath-taking session represents a comprehensive, clear and integrated vision for the Egyptian state in facing challenges and setting priorities during the coming period.

He explained that the economic axis in President Sisi’s speech confirms the state’s keenness to confront economic challenges and develop a clear vision for dealing with these circumstances, and that the next stage will witness a strong start for the Egyptian economy and an expansion of the private sector’s participation in development, as President Sisi’s speech stressed the importance of supporting the agricultural, industrial and communications sectors. Technology, tourism, increasing their contribution to economic growth, and supporting the plan to increase Egyptian exports.

He said that one of the goals of the new phase is to empower and support the private sector and attract more local and foreign investments to increase employment rates, reduce unemployment rates, and also increase the gross domestic product, and this is required during the coming period, in addition to rationalizing government spending and enhancing state revenues, as well as adopting strategies that maximize the capabilities of the government. And Egypt’s economic resources and enhance the solidity and flexibility of the Egyptian economy in the face of crises while achieving strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth, and adopting comprehensive institutional reform aimed at ensuring financial discipline and achieving sound governance.

The Chairman of the Local Administration Committee in the House of Representatives pointed out that the President’s speech was comprehensive and diverse. At the level of Egypt’s foreign relations, he stressed the priority of protecting and preserving Egypt’s national security in a turbulent regional and international environment and continuing to work on strengthening balanced relations with all parties in a new world whose features are taking shape, and at the political level. President Sisi stressed the completion and deepening of the national dialogue during the next stage and the implementation of the recommendations that are agreed upon within the framework of strengthening the foundations of political and democratic participation, which is in the interest of the nation and the citizen.

Al-Sijini said that President Sisi’s speech placed education and health at the top of the priorities, as they are two basic pillars in the progress of nations, to maximize the benefit of Egypt’s human resources by increasing the quality of education, improving the public health of citizens, and completing the stages of the comprehensive health insurance project, in addition to paying attention to supporting safety nets. Social, as well as complete completion of the stages of the “Decent Life” initiative, which is the largest development initiative in the history of Egypt.

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