Al-Ahram Studio fire… 5 mistakes you should never make in cases of fires

Written by Sarah Darwish

Saturday, March 16, 2024 11:36 AM

In cases of fire outbreaks, it is very important to act correctly despite all the fear and terror that prevails in the situation, and in light of the fire at Al-Ahram Studio in Omraniya that broke out in the early hours of the day, and after… The fire spread to a neighboring building Until it is under control, here are 5 things you should not do in the event of a fire, and what you should do instead, according to the British “fire-extinguisher” website:

Al-Ahram Studio fire… 5 mistakes to avoid in cases of fires

Broken windows

Smoke suffocation is the main cause of fire-related deaths, not heat from the fire itself. When a fire occurs, it may be tempting to break windows to allow smoke to escape from the building. But this is completely wrong. Opening windows allows the fire to get more oxygen, which causes the fire to grow further and thus reduces the chances of escape. Instead, it is better to use the precious moments you have when a fire occurs to find an escape route.

Open hot doors

When you’re trying to look for a fire escape, you may not be thinking about what could be on the other side of the doors you come across, so you should always be careful. If the doors are very hot to the touch or smoke is coming out of the cracks, there is likely a worse fire on the other side. This means that the door is actually preventing the spread of fire, and opening it will only increase the spread of fire. If you find a door that you think is safe, open it but always be careful and be aware that there may be danger on the other side.

Al-Ahram Studio fire

Al-Ahram Studio fire

Return to get your personal belongings

Everyone in school has been taught at some point that you should drop everything and get out when there is a fire, and this is absolutely true. You may think you have time to pick up some things that are important to you, but it can only take five minutes for the house to turn into a bunch of flames. Things are replaceable, and nothing deserves more attention than your safety and life, so your priority should be to get out as quickly as possible.


When you feel fear and panic, you may not know what to do and hide away from the fire to achieve a false sense of security, but this can be very dangerous. It restricts your movement and makes it difficult for rescue services to find you when they arrive. Furthermore, you may think you are safe from a fire if you don’t see it, but smoke and heat can be much more dangerous and reach you wherever you are.

Use of elevators

It may be tempting to use the elevator during a fire because it seems like the quickest option for escape, but in reality it can be much more dangerous. Fire can damage elevator hardware at any time, which means the doors can open at any time. Or if power is lost, you may find yourself stuck in an elevator. Stairs are always the best and safest option.

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