Back to the rain… Meteorology reveals weather details until Wednesday

The General Authority of Meteorology revealed the expected weather conditions from Friday, March 15, 2024 to Wednesday, March 20, 2024.

Al-Youm Al-Sabea publishes details of the weather conditions during this period, as follows:

– Friday, March 15, 2024

Warm weather prevails during the day in Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt is warm on the northern coasts, hot in South Sinai and North Upper Egypt, hot in South Upper Egypt, and cold at night and early in the morning in most parts.

Water mist on some agricultural and highway roads near bodies of water leading to and from areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northern coasts, the canal cities, central Sinai, and northern Upper Egypt.

Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo at intermittent intervals.

– Saturday, March 16, 2024

Moderate rain on areas of the northwestern coasts, northern Lower Egypt, and the Western Desert at intermittent intervals, with an incidence rate of (approximately 30%).

– Sunday, March 17, 2024

As of Sunday, March 17, 2024, rain of varying intensity will hit various areas of the north and south of the country, accompanied by wind activity in some areas.

Light to moderate rain with an incidence rate of (approximately 40:30%) on areas of the northern coasts, the Western Desert, Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the canal cities, Sinai, and areas of northern and central Upper Egypt at intermittent intervals.

Wind activity in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, and the northern coasts at intermittent intervals.

– Monday, March 18, 2024

Moderate rainfall (approximately 60%)

On areas of central and southern Upper Egypt, the Red Sea Governorate, and Sinai at intermittent intervals.

Light to moderate rain on areas of the northern coast, Lower Egypt, Greater Cairo, the Canal cities, and the Gulf of Suez at intermittent intervals.

Wind activity in all parts at intermittent intervals, which increases the feeling of cold weather.

– Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Light to moderate rain on areas of the northern coast, Lower Egypt, the Canal cities, the Gulf of Suez, and Sinai, with an incidence rate of approximately 30%.

Wind activity in all parts at intermittent intervals, which increases the feeling of cold weather.

– Wednesday, March 20, 2024

. Light rain (approximately 30%) falls on areas of the northern coasts and northern Lower Egypt at intermittent intervals.

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