“Behaves like someone who was a child and became a bully”: the debate between Uri Geller and Chaim Levinson provoked angry reactions

The loud debate between the well-known artist of illusions Uri Geller, and the journalist Haim Levinson last night (Friday) on Channel 12 drew charged reactions throughout the network, after the harsh things the journalist hurled at him during the live broadcast.

Geller, who was a guest on the program “Haim and Maayan”, came to talk about his Israeli advocacy in the international media. At this point, Ofira Assig and Levinson joined the studio, who hosted the next show.

The debate erupted following Geller’s criticism of President Biden: “He’s fumbling, barely knows his name and where he’s going, but do you know who’s behind him? Someone named Hussein – Barack Obama.”

Ofira and Levinson, Photo: from Keshet 12

“This is unintelligent demagoguery,” Levinson snapped. “One of the things I have never been able to understand is how you became a household name in the State of Israel. I sat here for a few minutes, you have nothing intelligent to say, you are sick of publicity. You make sounds of pathos without pathos. Can’t stand this ridicule and noise.”

Later on, the debate escalated and spilled into personal lines when Vinson also referred to the spoon sculpture designed by Uri Geller: “This thing when you walk in Old Jaffa and see this spoon thrown in the street, this ugly thing, I personally don’t understand it.” In response, Geller replied: “You have a grudge against me.”

Uri Geller and the spoon (archive), Photography: Glyn Ridgers Photography

“Hearing Levinson humiliating Uri Geller live,” wrote one of the surfers on Twitter. “Says such bad sentences to him with zero sensitivity and asks him not to get hurt. I can’t stand his evil. He behaves like someone who was a bully and became a bully.”

“Levinson’s exaggeration in his description of Geller is actually what can be said about Levinson himself,” wrote another surfer. “Levinson is a troll, a person who is only looking for a tsumi, this is a brazen slanderer. Where is he and where is Uri Geller,” another surfer wrote.

On the other hand, there were also surfers who attacked Geller for his words: “Uri Geller doesn’t just bring up the Obama conspiracy on a commercial channel with high ratings,” another surfer wrote. “He knows that there is an audience of idiots who will eat it, he saw what worked and worked for the eyes and did so.”

Another user wrote that “Levinson was indeed aggressive towards Uri Geller, but we need more of them. We are tired of studios that bring Ben Gavirim and Sumatran and security personnel.”

However, there were also surfers who remained neutral and saw the positive side in the heated debate: “A beef between Chaim Levinson and Uri Geller is what the State of Israel needed right now,” wrote one of the surfers.

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