The saga of Omar Atzili’s future will continue to occupy my fans Maccabi Haifa and Beitar Jerusalem in the coming days. After Beitar Jerusalem made a financial offer to the player, Nashi Maccabi Haifa Yaakov Shahar is expected to talk and may even meet today (Tuesday) with the actor’s agents, which will officially begin the negotiations also from the side of Maccabi Haifa. Atzil does consult his rabbi regarding decisions, but those around him made it clear yesterday that the rabbi advises but does not choose for him where to go. In the end Atzili thinks about what is right for him for the next two and a half years, both professionally and financially, and after he hears the proposal of Maccabi Haifa He will move towards a decision.
As far as the Haifa fans are concerned, renouncing Atzili is renouncing the championship fight and they have had their say, exerting great pressure on the club and the player and hope it will happen. Maccabi Haifa is 6 points behind Po’el Be’er Sheva in first place, is far from the ability of a candidate for the championship and needs players to take it upon themselves, especially in view of the fact that the two dear foreigners in the wings, Nahuel and Sabrina, Disappointing, and it feels like it’s only a matter of time until the gap from first place becomes double digits.
On Beitar’s side, matters are even more complicated. Beitar knows that if Maccabi Haifa enters the picture, financially it will be difficult to deal with them. But the problem at Beitar is not only financial. Giving Atzili a contract of 350-400 thousand euros while Jordan Shua earns 250 could create great tension. If Beitar does not give an identical contract to Shua before signing Atzili to one – she will lose Shua immediately on a mental level and he will look to leave. At the same time as his desire to advance, at the age of 25, Jordan Shua’s goal is also a high contract, and an offer like the one received by Azili is his threshold for staying and waiving the release clause.
And that’s not all: in Shua’s environment they already started talking yesterday about the attempt to add Atzili and hinted that this conveys an attempt to push the captain out, when the direction from a professional point of view is Toumasi’s wings on the left and Atzili on the right – and they say: “Jordan is not a striker, he closes a hole because there is It’s a problem at the moment, but it constantly feels like he’s being pushed out, if they rush to give Azili a contract before closing with Jordan, they also happen to have the same agents.”
The saga will continue to accompany the parties in the coming days. At the end of the day Atzil is a star in Israeli football, it is not clear which of the teams he fits in the current situation, but he is above all a signature for the audience as well. The madness surrounding him, and the understanding of the impact of such a signing on the fans, cannot leave Abramov and now also Yankel’ Shahar, indifferent.
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