CBS: Iran will attack Israel with dozens of missiles and more than 100 drones News


Israel is preparing for a major Iranian attack that American officials believe could come within just hours, in response to its attack on the Tehran consulate in Damascus two weeks ago, which resulted in the deaths of 8 officers. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

Two American officials told CBS News that the Iranian attack on Israel is expected to take place today, Friday, with more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles targeting military targets inside Israel.

The two officials said that it would be difficult for the Israelis to defend against an attack of this size, at a time when they believe that the Iranians will choose an attack on a smaller scale to avoid a dramatic escalation.

For its part, the New York Times quoted an American official as saying that Washington expects an Iranian attack against Israel greater than the recent attacks in the “long shadow war.”

The Axios news website also quoted American officials as saying that the administration of President Joe Biden It asked Israel to notify the United States and seek its opinion before making decisions regarding any retaliation by Israel for an Iranian attack.

American officials indicated that Iran had made clear that it would attack the forces that attacked it, and warned that Washington’s intervention after Iran’s response to Israel would lead to attacking American bases in the region.

Axios also quoted an American official as saying that officials are in contact with regional partners to discuss sending messages to Iran to de-escalate, noting that Iran has not sent threats to the United States through the direct official Swiss communication channel.

The Washington Post quoted American officials as saying that the Pentagon is strengthening its presence in the Middle East and sending additional warships and aircraft.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that Israel is preparing for a direct attack from Iran within the next 48 hours. According to the report, the leadership in Tehran has discussed plans for the attack, but has not yet decided how to proceed with it.

A US official said on Thursday night that US intelligence reports indicate that the Iranian attack may be on Israel, and not on Israeli targets abroad.

The newspaper quoted what it said was an advisor to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards forces, saying that the Revolutionary Guards were placed before the country’s Supreme Leader. Ali Khamenei He presented several options to strike Israeli interests, explaining that the scenarios under consideration include a direct attack on Israel with advanced medium-range missiles.

Kirby: The United States will do everything necessary to ensure Israel’s ability to defend itself and protect its forces (Reuters)

American commitment to Israel’s security

In a related context, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that the United States will do everything necessary to ensure Israel’s ability to defend itself and protect its forces.

In statements published today, Kirby stressed that the American commitment to Israel’s security is unwavering, noting that the United States and Israel take the Iranian threat seriously.

An American official told Al Jazeera that the United States is moving additional military capabilities to the region to enhance regional deterrence and measures to protect its forces, noting that reports of the possibility of Iran launching an attack on Israel today, Friday, are not yet confirmed.

The American official confirmed that “our intelligence data indicate a high possibility of an Iranian attack on Israel at the end of the week,” and pointed out that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin urged his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant to maintain close security coordination in the future.

Israeli Channel 12 reported Thursday that Austin assured Gallant that Israel can rely entirely on America to confront the threats of Iran and its agents in the region.

Today, Friday, Gallant said that Israel and the United States stand “side by side” in confronting Iran.

Gallant said in a statement after his meeting with the Commander of the US Central Command, General Eric Kurella, who is visiting Israel: “Our enemies believe that they can drive distance between Israel and the United States, but the opposite is true: they are bringing us closer to each other and strengthening our ties.”

In the same context, Israeli Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy said that the army is closely monitoring what is happening in Iran and on the various fronts, amid high and continuous readiness to deal with existing and potential threats, in full coordination with the American army.

Halevy added, at the conclusion of a consultation session he held with the leaders of the army and security services today, Friday, to review and determine the army’s preparations for all possible scenarios regarding the possible Iranian response, that the Israeli army is strong and prepared at the level of defense and attack in the face of every existing and potential threat.

Halevy also held another security consultation session in which the Commander of the US Central Command, General Eric Kurilla, participated.

The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office asked ministry directors to be alert and prepared for possible escalation.

For his part, the Israeli army spokesman said that security consultations had been held at several levels, considering that Iran was escalating in the Middle East and threatening global stability.

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