Celine Dion overcomes illness and sings love song at Paris Olympics opening.. Photos

Celine Dion charmed the world with her performance at the closing ceremony of the Olympics in Paris, where she appeared in good health and overcame her illness, to sing the song “Love Song”, a song by the late French star Edith Piaf, which she sang to her boxer lover on the night of his death in a plane crash.

This is not the first time that Celine Dion has performed at the opening ceremony of the Olympics, as she performed it before in 1996, when it was held in Atlanta in the United States.

Global singer Celine Dion made a surprise appearance on stage at the first round of the National Hockey League (NHL) in Las Vegas, her first event since the release of her documentary “I Am: Céline Dion,” which chronicles her battle with stiff person syndrome.

Wearing a white button-down shirt and cream skirt, Celine Dion made her way onto the Sphere stage with her eldest son, René-Charles Angélil, 23, as the crowd cheered.

Celine Dion then announced the Montreal Canadiens’ fifth overall pick, writing on her Instagram account: “So happy to be able to announce the Montreal Canadiens’ 2024 NHL first round pick.”

“Thank you to the Canadians for inviting me, and thank you to the NHL for taking such good care of my family,” Dion added. “We had so much fun!”

Much of director Erin Taylor’s new documentary I Am: Celine Dion focuses on how the singer’s diagnosis with stiff person syndrome affected her voice.

Throughout I Am: Celine Dion, Dion is shown yearning to sing again, struggling to record new songs, and contemplating what she would do without her famously flexible vocal range. But it’s only in the final minutes of I Am: Celine Dion that Dion reveals devastating details about how a rare neurological disorder is also threatening her life.




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