Dobi Eichnold on the statement that the Tzur disaster is an attack: there is something comforting in the gospel


The CEO of Yediot Ahronoth’s book publishing company Dobi Eichnold, one of the only survivors of the Tzur disaster, responded to the statement: “There was a cover-up here, everyone was comfortable with the cover-up”

After 42 years, it was revealed yesterday (Wednesday) that the military investigation committee established to investigate the Tzur disaster, which claimed the lives of 76 martyrs, will determine that it was a suicide attack by Hezbollah and not an accident caused by a gas explosion as described so far.

Dobi Eichnold, CEO of Yedioth Ahronoth’s book publishing house, one of the only survivors of the Tzur disaster, described his feelings following the decision. “You sit and drink coffee, it’s pouring rain outside,” he told of those moments. “Then a terrible explosion. I remember being buried in the dark unable to move, blood flowing and screaming. I was in this hell for nine hours until they managed to rescue me.”

“There is something comforting in this news, that the truth is coming out,” he claimed. “That this truth was not buried together with those 76 IDF martyrs. There was plastering here, everyone was comfortable to plaster.”


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Flint ruins.  What is being photographed has nothing to do with what is being said.

Flint ruins. What is being photographed has nothing to do with what is being said. &nbsp| Photo: Yossi Zamir/Flash90

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