“For the first time, I will keep Shabbat `Zhakor’, expecting 100,000 like me”

Comedian Guy Hochman announced last night (Saturday night), in a video he published, that he intends to keep next Shabbat – ‘Shabbat Zakor’ – for the first time in his life.

He addressed his hundreds of thousands of followers on social media: “Listen, I may not be religious, but I am a very proud Jew, and we all remember and should remember the 7.10. Next Shabbat, Parashat Zakor, ‘Remember what Amalek did to you’, Shabbat before Purim, I intend to keep Shabbat for the first time in my life. Not for redemption, for unity with Israel, for our heroic soldiers at the front.”

He added: “Today the hearts of the majority of the Israeli people are in the right place, the hearts are kosher, and I say, we observe one Shabbat, stop the divisive discourse and bring the spirit of shared destiny from the front to the rear.”

Hochman explained: “Stop fighting, neither 12 nor 14, no one has the truth in their pocket. Sit down for one, darken the screens, we won’t let anyone divide us again. On Shabbat they murdered us because we are Jews. On Shabbat we will stand up and say, we are proud to be Jews, so that all our enemies who thought of us as some broken nation would know – the eternal nation will not be broken so easily, the eternal nation is not afraid of a long journey.”

The comedian asked: “Come with me, let’s bring 100,000 Jews to observe Shabbat for the first time, like me.” We will show our enemies what kind of people we are. On Shabbat they rose up to slaughter us, on Shabbat we will stand up and say, we are proud to be Jews. “Remember what Amalek did to you.”


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