Ghada Ibrahim: I am more beautiful than Nancy Ajram and Mona Zaki Shibhi | news

Actress Ghada Ibrahim was a guest on the “Qada Stat” program, presented by Marwa Sabry on the “Al-Youm” channel, and answered a question about the beauties of Egyptian cinema in her opinion.

Ghada Ibrahim said: “I am one of the beautiful women. This is self-confidence, not arrogance. I see that attractiveness is more important than beauty. Beauty can be disagreed upon by people, but attractiveness is more important. If I am attractive, most people will like it, but if I am beautiful, only a portion of people will like it, and not I love being called beautiful, attractive, sweet, and charismatic.”

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Ghada Ibrahim continued: “I love Mona Zaki’s appearance and she looks like me. Even my sister once came from the airport and there was an advertisement for Mona Zaki on the bridge. I met her saying congratulations on the advertisement. I told her, ‘I am not this Mona. The look of the eyes resembles each other. Part of our eyes resembles each other.’”

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Ghada Ibrahim talks about her comparison to Mona Zaki

In response to the question of who is more beautiful than Nancy Ajram’s mother, Ghada Ibrahim said: “I am more beautiful than Nancy Ajram, from my point of view. Nancy saw her pictures before the operations. If we put our pictures next to each other, I am prettier, and my appearance has not changed in an hour.”

Ghada Ibrahim

She continued: “I get Botox every 6 months normally. My lips have a new gloss on them. I found it in the market a month ago and after a few hours it will go. I will get it from someone who does a bomb. I got my cheeks suctioned 3 times because I have cheeks.”

Ghada Ibrahim

Ghada Ibrahim said about Yasmine Sabry and Haifa Wehbe: “Yasmine Sabry is prettier. She is a moon and speaks sweetly. She is an Alexandrian girl of my country. I am fanatical towards the people of my country, and Haifa Wehbe is prettier than me. I adore her. I saw her a long time ago before she grew up. She has been a moon for a long time and is sweet before she does anything.” need”.

It is noteworthy that Ghada Ibrahim participated in the movie “A Break of Delicious Moments” with Hisham Majed, Hana Al-Zahed, Mohamed Tharwat, Bayoumi Fouad, the child Jean Ramez, and a group of artists.

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