Hizbullah accepted responsibility for the shooting of Moshav Abdoun

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War of Iron Swords

Hezbollah accepted responsibility for launching a barrage of Katyusha rockets towards Moshav Abdoun in the Western Galilee at 14:50, in response to IDF attacks on southern Lebanese villages and especially in response to an attack in Daheira in which a Lebanese citizen was killed. This is the third acceptance of responsibility for the day.

date: 07/03/2024 | Updated: 07/03/2024

Idan Yosef

+The Foreign Minister in response to the UN Secretary General: “Your silence is deafening”
22:14 07/03/24  | Idan Yosef

Foreign Minister Israel Katz sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in which he wrote: “The striking silence from your office, following the UN report on the heinous acts of Hamas, is very disturbing. For 3 days, despite the report highlighting ongoing sexual violence against The abductions, there was no call for a meeting of the Security Council, there is no public response and the lack of action is difficult to reconcile with the UN’s mission to protect human rights.

“In the past you did not hesitate to invoke Article 99 to prevent Israel’s response to Hamas. Now, in the face of much more serious atrocities, your silence is deafening. Your last speech for International Women’s Day and the absence of any mention of the report further emphasize a disappointing dichotomy in your approach to human rights issues.”

“As Israel’s Foreign Minister”, Katz concluded, “I call on you to address these serious injustices with due urgency, by reconvening the Security Council immediately to address the crimes of Hamas and ensure the immediate release of all the abductees.”

+A warning was activated in Sderot and Ives
22:01 07/03/24  | Idan Yosef

Three rockets were fired from the Strip towards Sderot. One rocket fell in an open area within the city limits and two others fell in unpopulated areas outside the city. No injuries or property damage were reported.

+IDF forces intercepted an explosive drone belonging to Hezbollah
21:55 07/03/24  | Idan Yosef

Fighter jets attacked two military buildings of the Hezbollah organization in the Zabkin area this evening (Thursday).

Earlier today, IDF forces intercepted an explosive drone belonging to the organization that was spotted crossing Lebanese territory into the Baram region.

In addition, an unmanned Hezbollah aircraft that earlier crossed Lebanese territory fell in the Hermon area, there were no casualties.

A number of launches have been detected in recent hours from Lebanese territory to Israeli territory in the area of ​​Mount Dov and Metula, the IDF attacked the sources of the fire with artillery.

+Disagreement between Sinwar and Haniyeh over Hamas demands in the negotiations
18:43 07/03/24  | Idan Yosef

Disagreement between Sinwar and Haniyeh over Hamas demands in the negotiations, Sinwar demanded significant concessions from Israel including the cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of the IDF from the Strip, Haniyeh agreed to the conditions put forward by the mediators (Wall Street Journal).

British Foreign Minister Cameron said today: “There is a group of people who can stop the war right now, and that is Hamas. They can sign the agreement, they can release the hostages, they can lay down their weapons and leave Gaza and give the Palestinian people a chance for a normal future.”

+Russia: We did not try to hurt Zelensky
18:35 07/03/24  | Idan Yosef

In Russia, they officially clarify that they did not try to harm Zelensky yesterday. Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s deputy national security adviser and former president, clarified following yesterday’s shooting to Odessa: “We did not try to hit Zelensky’s convoy.”

+An IDF drone fell in the south due to a malfunction
18:34 07/03/24  | Idan Yosef

A remotely manned aircraft of the Air Force that was in routine operation fell last night in the maritime space in the south of the country following a technical malfunction. IDF forces collected the tool, there is no fear of information leakage.

+The Chief of Staff: Filling the missing ranks in the IDF will help strengthen social cohesion
16:40 07/03/24  | Idan Yosef

The Chief of Staff again refers to the issue of the conscription law, and says that “at this time it is not enough to praise the existing diversity in the IDF, but to call for its expansion and to add to it servants from all ends of society.” At the graduation ceremony of the 68th batch of combat officers, Lt. Col. Herzi Halevi said: “This is the order of the hour, not only because the IDF needs to fill the missing ranks and expand its troops, but mainly to strengthen social cohesion, the source of our resilience and strength and an important component of Israeli anti-fragility “.

+US Ambassador: Leadership has to make difficult decisions
15:57 07/03/24  | Itamar Levin | for the full list

Jack Lu referred to the need to make decisions in order to end the war and progress towards peace ▪ “I know that today it is very difficult to think about two states, but the question is what is the alternative”

to him. “I would start with security in the streets” [צילום: ינס מאייר, AP]

“The burden on leadership is to make difficult decisions and take the country to better places.” This is what the US Ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, says in reference to the decisions necessary to end the war of iron swords and progress towards peace. He spoke (March 7, 24) at the annual review day of the Institute for National Security Studies.

The IDF is beginning to investigate the protracted omissions that preceded the outbreak of the Iron Swords War. The Chief of Staff, Major General Harzi Halevi, announced this (3.7.24) in a letter he sent to IDF commanders and published by an IDF spokesperson. The investigation will deal with four main areas, starting from March 2018 until October 7. The IDF estimates that it will last three months – two months for investigation and an additional month for processing and investigation at the General Staff and at the senior level – until its conclusions are presented to Levi.

In the photo: Iron Dome intercepts missiles sent from Lebanon, as seen from Kiryat Shmona. After many discussions on the issue of firearms in Kiryat Shmona, it was announced this week that the request to recognize Kiryat Shmona as a settlement entitled to firearms licensing was approved.

Many citizens who were exposed to a document forwarded from the security division of the Ministry of Justice under the title “Preparation for the Alta scenario” that details the possibility of a power outage for several days in the event of a war in the north entered into a panic. The announcement reads: “The National Emergency Authority instructed the government ministries to prepare for the possibility of severe damage to the infrastructure and a nationwide disaster – when at least 60% of the population will be cut off from electricity for a period of 24 to 48 hours, and in some areas this may also last 72 hours.”

The chairman of the Forum of the Confrontation Line in the North and the head of the Meta Asher Regional Council, Moshe Davidovich, attacks the Prime Minister and claims that the government treats the residents of the North as fruits of despair, and leaves you with uncertainty that harms their resilience.

Idan Yosef
Itamar Levin
Itamar Levin

Dan Margalit

Dan Margalit

If entry is allowed to those 40 and older – this should apply to both Jews and Arabs And if there is a need for a special inspection – please, for Jews and Arabs in the same way; Woe to us for even having to explain this
Eli Alon

Eli Alon

The cooperative housing idea came to Israel from Europe In the early 1930s, the Israel General Workers’ Union began to build workers’ dormitories in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and more It was a solution, a kind of urban housing, which imitates a kibbutz
Edna Vig

Edna Vig

The enemies do not distinguish between Jew and Jew, they do not care what his political positions are, whether he is “leftist” or “rightist”, it does not matter to them whether he is religious or not – for them we are all Jews

Emanuel Ben-Savo

Emanuel Ben-Savo

The people of Israel refuse to accept the “warnings” of the military and political elements, the people resolutely oppose the threats against them and are ready to face the spreaders of the “al-Aqsa is in danger” plot and other false plots

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