I hope the artist Rashid Al Majed returns safe and sound.. video

The artist Abdul Majeed Abdullah appeared in a press interview in which he confirmed his wish for the speedy return of the artist Rashid Al Majed, safe and sound.

Abdullah said: “I hope the artist Rashid Al Majed returns safe and sound, and Rashid is one of the important artistic names in the Kingdom.”

The artist Rashid Al Majed is considered one of the most famous artists in the Kingdom and the Arab world, where he is very popular. He was born in Bahrain to a Saudi father and a Bahraini mother, and is called the Sinbad of the Arabic song.

Al-Majed fell ill in January 2022, when some said that he suffered from inflammation of the vocal cords, which caused him to miss his concerts, and others said that he was in a period of recovery.

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