In the massacre compound, with the families of the “Nova” victims: Omer Adam’s chilling performance of “Human Tissue” | watch

More than a month after he filmed a song in collaboration with the families of the murdered “Nova” party. This evening (Monday), at the ceremony that opened the events of Independence Day 2024, Omar Adam’s thrilling and chilling performance of the song “One Human Tissue” was broadcast, written and composed by Moti Hamer (Amir), and best known for its performance by Eva Elberstein, who made it an asset of the Israeli Iron Sheep.

“Something is dead in us.” The chilling performance of Omar Adam and the families of the murdered Nova, Photo: From the song performed by Omer Adam with families Nova was murdered at the Independence Day ceremony
A diverse spectrum of the human mosaic living in Israel. Hugging and crying. The families of the murdered Novaites accompany Omer Adam in the performance of the song “One Human Tissue”, Photo: From the song performed by Omer Adam with families Nova was murdered at the Independence Day ceremony

The song, woven into the hearts of the Israeli public as one of the memorial songs that have accompanied us all our lives since it was released, was performed in the very complex where the horrible massacre took place – which added even more to the heavy emotional weight. Against the background of somber piano keys, dozens of dancers (the Vertigo dance troupe) are seen running away, accompanied by the camera. A photograph that throws the viewer into one of the dozens of difficult videos in which the helpless revelers at the Nova party were seen running for their lives.

The performance becomes painfully charged when the families of the murdered enter the frame. A man sitting on a chair next to the piano above a slightly raised platform is surrounded by family members in a semi-circle, and they join him in singing the chorus: “Yes, we are all, we are all one living human tissue. And if one of us, leaves us, something dies in us, something stays with him.”

The families of the Neva victims accompany Omer Adam, Photo: From the song performed by Omer Adam with families Nova was murdered at the Independence Day ceremony
Omer Adam. “one living human tissue”, Photo: From the song performed by Omer Adam with families Nova was murdered at the Independence Day ceremony

It is difficult to remain indifferent in front of the faces of the family members, a diverse and representative spectrum of the human mosaic living in Israel. Parents who became unwilling partners in fate, when their sons and daughters were murdered together at the hands of the bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists on the seventh of October. They surround a person who performs the song with great emotion as they hug, some of them hold the pictures of their loved ones and some of them can’t stop the tears, and we are with them.

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