Indonesia rejects normalization with Israel News


Jakarta – I confirmed Indonesia – Yesterday, Tuesday – its support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and independence, this came during a meeting of Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi with Arab ambassadors in Jakarta To discuss the situation in Gaza strip And efforts to implement a decision Security Council 2728, and support for UNRWA and full membership of Palestine in the United Nations.

Marsudi pointed out during her talk in another program about: Palestine In the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, she called for her country’s continued support for the Palestinian people, criticizing the positions of countries that sought to normalize relations with Israel, saying, “Hypocrisy and double standards we see today as a collective position at the international level towards the issue of Palestine.”

She added that Indonesia remains committed to supporting the Palestinian people in their struggle for right, justice and humanity. She expressed her hope that this position would continue in the future, noting the importance of the Palestinian people achieving their rights and witnessing the independence of their state.

The Minister stressed that her country continues to provide humanitarian support to countries and regions in need according to its capabilities and capacity. The last of this aid was the Indonesian army sending air and sea aid to Gaza.

The Indonesian National Zakat Workers Authority also recorded large donations from Indonesian citizens worth $15.6 million, and 4,400 tons of aid were sent to Gaza. These numbers do not include aid sent by other civil and community humanitarian organizations.

The conclusion of the Ramadan Safari program for Palestinian imams and preachers in Indonesia in the People’s Consultative Assembly - photo from the organizing committee.
Conclusion of the Ramadan Safari Program for Imams and Preachers of Palestine in Indonesia in the People’s Advisory Council (Organizing Committee)

The official and popular positions were unified

Marsudi expressed her deep thanks to the Indonesian people for their continued support and solidarity with the Palestinian people, whether through financial donations or expressing solidarity positions, saying that there was “unity, clarity and consistency” in the popular and official position.

She expressed her hope that this support and unity would continue in the future, stressing that the road may be difficult and long, but she affirmed her country’s determination to support the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and justice.

She also stressed the need to stop the war and improve the situation in Gaza, noting that failure to implement UN Security Council resolutions makes them mere written papers without actual value, considering this a disregard for the rights of the Palestinian people.

Marsudi noted that Indonesia continued its diplomatic efforts to support the Palestinian cause, including its presence in… International Court To achieve justice and support a just settlement of the Palestinian issue.

Ramadan Safari “to heal the wounds of Palestine”

Marsudi’s speech came as part of a program on Palestine and a group breakfast organized by the Indonesian Ulema Council and the People’s Consultative Council in the presence of Palestinian imams, academics and preachers during RAMADAN month.

Dozens of Palestinian imams also participated in similar activities organized by other community associations and institutions in Indonesia. Among these imams and preachers were those living in the diaspora and Gazans who were outside the Gaza Strip when the war began.

They traveled between hundreds of mosques in various Indonesian provinces, not only to lead the worshipers, but also to talk to the worshipers about the conditions in Palestine, including the conditions of Jerusalem AndAl-Aqsa Mosque The Israeli war on Gaza and the conditions of various cities and towns in Palestine.

According to Dr. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, official of foreign relations and international cooperation at the Indonesian Ulema Council, the organizers of the Ramadan Safari program, which was organized in a number of Indonesian provinces, sought to educate Indonesian Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan about the details and developments of the Palestinian issue.

The campaign also urged Indonesians to donate more to their Palestinian brothers, through the Indonesian National Zakat Workers Authority. This call comes in light of the decline in the power of crowds to demonstrate during the month of Ramadan, as more interest has become in Ramadan programs in mosques, making this event an ideal opportunity to donate and contribute to supporting the Palestinians.

Dr. Sameh Kamel Ahmed Al-Hajjaj, on behalf of the participating Palestinian imams, thanked the Indonesian people and their government for the continued support for the Palestinian people and their cause, saying that the fingerprints of Indonesian support for the Palestinian people are present in the Gaza Strip.

He added that during their tour in the Indonesian provinces, they noticed the love of the Indonesian citizen for Palestine, and how he was raised to be attached to the land of the Night Journey, wishing for more effort and giving, and for Indonesia to become a pioneer in efforts to support the Palestinian people internationally, warning against attempts to undermine the value, morals and identity of the Indonesian people.

A warning to everyone who tries to stand with Israel

For his part, Anwar Abbas, Vice President of the Indonesian Ulema Council, said that the Palestine issue extends over 80 years, approaching the eighth decade, pointing to the painful developments in Gaza and other cities of Palestine in which Israel can only be described as an uncivilized and brutal state in this regard. The modern era.

Abbas expressed his confidence that Palestine would be liberated and achieve its sovereignty, and linked this to expectations of changes in international policies during the coming decades.

Abbas also expressed his dissatisfaction and astonishment at some Indonesian citizens who express their support for Israel in light of the Palestinian conflict, and describes this behavior as a rebellion – according to his description – against what was stated in the Indonesian Constitution of 1945 of a clear rejection of any occupation on the face of the earth, because it conflicts with the values ​​​​of Humanity, justice, and independence is a right for every people.

Abbas warned Indonesian citizens who support Israel, saying: “I remind you that if you insist on this position, we are ready for confrontation with you. We are ready to sacrifice ourselves to defend our constitution, because our constitution, which we have formulated and which we value to the highest degree, is a charter agreed upon by the founders of this country, and therefore when “You try to undermine this agreement, the consequence of which is that we, as the people of Indonesia and citizens of this country who value our Constitution, are prepared to defeat you without any compromise.”

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