Japan.. Akira Toriyama, author of manga comic strips, has died

Japanese manga author Akira Toriyama has died at the age of 68 from a subdural hematoma.

Toriyama is best known for the Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump series.

Manga author dies

Today, Friday, the page of the “Bird Studio” professional, which was founded by the deceased, on the “X” platform, published a short statement in which it said: “We inform you with great sorrow that manga author Akira Toriyama died on March 1 at the age of 68 due to an acute subdural hematoma.”

Shueisha Publishing House expressed “deep sadness at the news of his sudden death,” praising his “great achievements” and expressing its gratitude to him.

Akira Toriyama, born in 1955 in Nagoya (central Japan), is known for the manga “Dragon Ball,” which he wrote in 1984 and narrates the life and adventures of the martial arts prodigy Son Goku since his childhood, which Toriyama adapted from the sixteenth-century Chinese novel “Journey to the West.”

Manga stories

These manga stories have sold more than 260 million copies around the world, according to the specialized “Mangazenkan” website, and several television and cinematic works and video games have been adapted from them, and their sequels have been issued, including “Dragon Ball Z” and “Dragon Ball Super.” “Dragon Ball Super.

Toriyama also wrote other manga series, including “Doctor Slump”, which was published between 1980 and 1984 in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, and revolves around a robot in the form of a young girl with immense power created by a scientist.

The manga artist won the Special Prize at the 40th Angoulême International Comic Strip Festival in 2013 for his entire work.

Toriyama also created characters for a number of video games such as the Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger series in the 1990s.

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