Likud is planning a tour “for settlement in Gaza”, in Kibbutz Nirim angry: “It will not take place”

Kibbutz Nirim in the Gaza Envelope reacted sharply to the invitation distributed by Likud members to tour its territory, as part of a “Conference on Settlement in Gaza”

The kibbutz administration announced that the visit would not take place, saying: “The tour is not compatible with us and is not on our mind. We expect the government and the members of the coalition to accept responsibility for the magnitude of the omission and neglect of the events of October 7.”

Terrorists infiltrate Israel on October 7, Photo: Reuters

The invitation to the conference, planned for the Sukkot holiday, bore the signatures of several members of the Knesset from the Likud, led by Minister of Social Equality May Golan. Among other things, a visit to Kibbutz Nirim and a conversation with the Rabbi of the place was planned.

The invitation to the event reads: “One year after the disturbances, we will all stand up, Likud members, branch heads, ministers and MKs and call together – our Gaza. Forever.” Among the participating MKs: Nissim Vettori, Tali Gottlieb, Hanoch Malbitsky and Osher Shekelim.

In their response, the residents of Nirim emphasized: “We received an invitation distributed by members of the Likud center to tour the kibbutz with the Rabbis, as part of a settlement conference in Gaza that they are holding during the holiday. The tour is not compatible with Nirim, according to Daniel the Rabbis, it is not compatible with him either and it is not in our opinion, therefore it will not take place either.”

“We are still waiting for the government and the members of the coalition to accept responsibility for the magnitude of the omission and neglect of the Shiva events in October, and for the bleeding wound in our hearts. Instead of engaging in political conferences to establish settlement nuclei, it would be good if the government and its coalition members were engaged in the return of the 101 abductees and the support and construction of the surrounding settlements and their rehabilitation.” , said the people of Nirim.

“We will no longer accept the claim of ‘disconnected’

Nissim Vattori: “Part of our mission is to come and see what the situation is on the ground without seeing what is happening in the kibbutzim, we will not be able to approve budgets. We are interested in reaching the strong and above all connecting with the pain. In this time of pain and heroism in the people of Israel, I suggest to those who want to sow more hatred in the people of Israel to start realizing that only together We will win and offer everyone to besiege the hatred. We will no longer accept the claim that we are connected to the territory everywhere. It is a shame that a sleepless minority determines the level of hatred in the people of Israel.”

MK Vatori, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

MK Avichai Bovaron: “If there is no settlement in Gaza, there will be no security in Nirim” – this is what the members of Nirim’s standby squad told me during the tour I conducted in the kibbutz after the seventh of October. They are right. Settlement in all regions of our country is the only solution to the existence of terrorist organizations. Israeli settlement Brings a military presence in the area and in any case to control it. Israel controls Judea and Samaria because half a million Israelis live in the area and the IDF and the security forces have both feet on the ground, which did not happen in Gaza – from the moment we left the Katif bloc with the disengagement, the terrorist organizations took over the area and Israel lost its grip.”

“The goals of the war in the short term are the destruction of Hamas and the abducted Shebat. In order to prevent attacks and massacres in the future, Israel needs to prevent the existence of terrorist organizations and this will only happen if we have two feet on the ground, that is, settlement and security.”

MK Gadi Eisenkot harshly attacked: “Change the place of the state to the great failure, when the people of Israel rose from the deep debate and engaged in a hard and just war that united the majority of the people, to achieve the goals of the war and return the abducted. A year later, as if we had learned nothing. Large parts of the coalition are working to shatter the broad national consensus that existed around a just war,” he said.

former minister Gadi Eisenkot (archive), Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

“The desire to pass an irresponsible conscription law that frees large sections of society from mandatory service in the IDF and during war, in exchange for political approval – its passage will be a deep fault line unlike any seen before in Israeli society.
And today, we were informed of the intention to establish settlement nuclei in the Gaza Strip, a controversial issue in Israeli society. This is not what our sons and daughters sacrificed their lives for, in total opposition to the goals of the war and the Prime Minister’s statements.”

Above all this, a heavy cloud accompanies the government’s duty to return the abductees as a supreme moral imperative, and the realization of a war goal defined on the ninth day of the war. At a watershed in the war, and after notable operational achievements, it is important that the government come to its senses and send a clear message about the obligation to win the war and do the right thing for the future of Israel as a Jewish, democratic, liberal, strong and progressive state.”

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