Local pride: among the president’s honorees

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They are outstanding and they are ours: Soldiers Noam and Nadav received the President’s Distinguished Medal last night in a moving ceremony

Section 27 A

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Last night (Tuesday, May 14) the President’s Meritorious Ceremony for 2024 was held during the morning hours at the President’s House, during which 120 IDF soldiers, officers and combatants who demonstrated extraordinary actions were awarded the badge of merit. This time the ceremony emphasized the heroes and heroines of the war.

Among the president’s two honorees this year, two of the city’s residents can also be found: Sgt. Noam Barel, a paramedic at the southern battalion in Gaza, and Sgt. Nadav Rog, a communications technician in the 460th brigade. Nadav and Noam saved many lives during the events of the Shi’a in October, and for that they were awarded To them the badge of honor.

Sergeant Nadav Rog, Assistant Chief Technician in the 460th Brigade, served in the brigade commander’s PAK when the army forces entered the Gaza Strip and entered Gaza himself, where he stayed for about two and a half months. These days, Nadav is taking part in the “Nativ” course, which he started about a month and a half ago.

Sergeant Noam Barel treated many casualties on the seventh of October while she and her team were under constant fire. Noam had to deal with the loss of a close friend, the late Itamar Shemen, a fighter in Division 36, who fell at the end of December in the southern Gaza Strip.

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