Minister of Environment: Seizing the international ship that ran aground in the Gulf of Aqaba after its departure.. Pictures

Written by: Manal Al-Issawi

Monday, April 15, 2024 08:54 AM

Dr. Yasmine Fouad confirmed Minister of Environmenton the continued seizure of the empty Liberian gas tanker ship that ran aground in an inlet Gulf of Aqaba Last Friday evening, through the relevant investigation authorities, after the ship emerged safely from the site of its stranding at the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba, sailing to the reservation area under the supervision of the Natural Reserves Administration in South Sinai and the reservation destinations, without any pollution or gas or fuel leakage.

Dr. continues. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, reviewed around the clock the progress of the technical and legal procedures and the precautionary environmental inspections followed in connection with the accident since its occurrence and after the ship left the site of its stranding until now, which are carried out by specialized work teams from the Department of Natural Reserves in South Sinai under the supervision of the Ministry’s Nature Protection Sector, where The expected damage to some areas of coral reefs as a result of the ship running aground is currently being assessed.

And she praised Minister of Environment On the role and interest of all concerned parties involved in the incident throughout the day from the moment it was monitored until now, stressing that this expresses the awareness of all parties of the importance of the region and the city of Sharm El-Sheikh, especially the importance of its natural resources and unique coral reefs with which God bestowed Egypt and made it a reason and component of the tourism industry. The environment in the region and an essential support for all aspects of development in the city of Sharm El Sheikh.

The Minister of Environment added that the natural reserves in the Gulf of Aqaba region include vast areas of coral reefs extending over a distance of hundreds of kilometres, and directed the need to limit the damage caused to some areas of coral reefs at the site of the accident, stressing that they will be subject to specialized environmental monitoring programs and studies to measure efficiency recovery rates and the extent of the need for restoration. Rehabilitation if necessary.

Dr. explained. Yasmine Fouad, that the passage of this ship in the Gulf of Aqaba is a normal matter and not the first time for it, and that there are many ships that pass back and forth 24 hours a day and in the area. Gulf of Aqaba Despite the different nature and loads of these ships and their different destinations, the occurrence of malfunctions or accidents for any ships in any region of the world while sailing is possible, and therefore the Ministry of Environment pays special attention and makes many advance preparations and readiness to deal with any potential environmental risks that may result from such things. The pattern of incidents is as important as the region and the importance of its natural resources, which are a national resource that benefits all sectors of the state and citizens and represents a right for future generations. The procedures and preparations that have been followed since this incident was monitored from the first moments are something that cannot be postponed or waited regardless of the occurrence. Potential danger or not.

Underwater environmental inspections

Environmental inspections carried out by the South Sinai Reserves team at the site of the accident

Seizure of the empty Liberian gas tanker ship

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