Netanyahu and Tebboune mourned her.. Who is the mother of the King of Morocco?

09:50 PM

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Written by: Salma Samir

Messages of solidarity and condolences continued from the East and West regarding the late Princess Lalla Latifa, consort of the late King Hassan II, and mother of Moroccan King Mohammed II, whose death was announced by the Moroccan Royal Palace in a statement yesterday, Saturday.

Among those in solidarity following the announcement of the death last Saturday night was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who wrote in an Arabic post on his account on the “X” platform, “In my name and in the name of my wife Sarah, I send my deepest condolences on the death of the mother of the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, Lalla Latifa.” The people of Israel stand shoulder to shoulder with the king and his family in their grief, and we wish them patience and peace… (To Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return).”

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune also mourned her in a condolence telegram, despite the differences between Algeria and Morocco.

The telegram read: “To His Majesty King Mohammed VI, King of the sisterly Kingdom of Morocco, I received with sorrow the news of the return of your mother’s soul to her Creator and Maker. This sad news that befell you and the royal family had a profound impact.”

Tebboune said, “On my own behalf and on behalf of the Algerian people, I offer you my sincere condolences, praying to the Almighty to have mercy on the soul of the deceased and to join her with the people of goodness and righteousness, and good are those companions.”

The Royal Palace in Morocco did not announce the causes of the death of the King’s mother, who passed away at the age of 78.

Who is the mother of the King of Morocco?

The princess, who gave birth to 5 princes, was born in 1946 in Morocco, where she was raised in the “Zianine Riga” family, one of the ancient Amazigh families. She then married King Hassan II in 1961, thus becoming a member of the ruling family.

Princess Lalla Latifa or Lalla Fatima was the second wife of the Moroccan king. His first wife was called Lalla Latifa, but the deceased decided to change her name upon entering the palace to avoid confusion between her and the king’s first wife.

The princess gave birth to 5 princes: King Mohammed VI, Prince Moulay Rachid, Princess Lalla Meryem, Lalla Asmaa, and Lalla Hasnaa.

The late princess did not have any media appearances or any public responsibilities or activities, but the Associated Press reported that she married the late king’s security director and personal bodyguard, Mohammed Mediouri, in 2000, and lived with him, moving between Morocco and France. However, the official authorities in Morocco have not issued any confirmations in this regard until now.

The Associated Press says that the princess has been permanently settled in Morocco since 2019 after receiving treatment in France.

The funeral will be held inside the Makhzen House at the Mai Al Hassan Mausoleum.

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