One of the people.. Amr El-Laithi gives a seller 5 thousand pounds after getting naked

11:19 PM

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Written by Dalia Al-Dhanini:

In a new episode of his program “One of the People” on Al-Hayat Channel on Wednesday evening, journalist Amr El-Laithi met with a group of individuals working in the New Administrative Capital.

Al-Laithi met with various workers coming from several governorates throughout the Republic, who hold jobs in various sectors in the Administrative Capital, including a group of farmers working in the field of agriculture and landscaping green spaces.

During the meeting, Amr Al-Laithi asked the workers a question: “What is the longest river in the world?” With a correct answer from one of the workers that it was “The Nile River,” Al-Laithi offered them a financial reward amounting to 10 thousand pounds.

Al-Laithi met a man who had been selling bread on the streets since 1998. He was a father of three children, and his wife had died. After listening to his story and revealing that his monthly income reached 1,500 pounds, Al-Laithi decided to offer him 5,000 pounds as a financial reward.

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