Ramadan Sobhi’s lawyer to Youm7: The player will play football normally

Hani Zahran, the lawyer, confirmed that Ramadan SobhiPyramids FC player, said that it was expected that one of the parties entitled to appeal would appeal the decision of the hearing committee to lift the player’s suspension during the past period.

Ramadan Sobhi’s lawyer said in statements to “Youm7” that: World Anti-Doping Agency She used her right to appeal the decision of the hearing committee, which is a formality carried out by WADA, but she does not have new evidence to convict the player.

Hani Zahran pointed out that Ramadan Sobhi’s defense team had expected this procedure since the hearing committee’s decision was issued and was ready with all its arguments, stressing that Ramadan Sobhi’s position is good and strong and this decision does not stop him now. The player will play football normally until a conviction is proven against him that requires his suspension.

The World Anti-Doping Agency decided to refer the decision of Ramadan Sobhi, a player for Pyramids Club, to the International Court of Arbitration for Sport. It also decided to cancel the decision of the hearing committee in Egypt, and considered it as if it had not happened.

A source revealed that the World Anti-Doping Agency sent a letter of appeal against the decision of the Egyptian hearing committee on September 11.

The source added that the regulations of the International Court of Arbitration for Sport stipulate that the International Agency must respond within 20 days of the issuance of the decision, stating the reasons for appealing the decision of the Egyptian Hearing Committee, with a maximum period of October 6.

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