Sarah, the most famous “Musaharati” among the tents of the displaced amid the fires of war and siege.. video

Written by Reham Abdullah

Monday, March 11, 2024 04:19 PM

The holy month of Ramadan this year comes under very difficult circumstances People of the Gaza StripAs the Israeli occupation state continues to attempt to displace, besiege and starve the people of the Gaza Strip, while the war machine continues to beat defenseless civilians and children without mercy, at a time when the world stands still.

Despite these inhumane conditions, the people of the Gaza Strip, Abu Ala, welcome the arrival of the month of fasting in a special way. A girl named Sarah was keen to play the role of the Mesaharati, among the tents of the displaced in the Gaza Strip, in a clear indication of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of the Israeli war machine. And their insistence on enjoying even a small amount of the joy of the advent of the Holy Month.

The girl appeared in the video with two other girls, and they sang songs welcoming the arrival of the holy month. Then the girl began walking among the tents, carrying the drum in her hands, and began calling the names of her relatives and neighbors to invite them to the first suhoor of Ramadan this year.

The girl said at the beginning of the video: “Despite the pain, sadness, displacement and starvation, and despite the fact that every home contains a martyr and a wounded person, we will continue to make people happy and we will receive our guest the month of Ramadan to the fullest.”

The Palestinian girl Sarah and her friends among the displaced people’s tents

On the other hand, pictures and videos of Gaza children carrying lanterns, celebrating the most famous Ramadan songs, spread on social media.

The “Eye on Gaza” page published a cheerful video from a shelter center in northern Gaza of children celebrating the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, and commented on it: “Internally displaced Palestinians in schools in northern Gaza celebrate the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.”

A Palestinian girl leads the role of Al-Musahrati among the displacement tents

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