“Set your watch.” Find out when daylight saving time will be implemented in 2024

11:30 p.m

Friday, April 12, 2024

Books – Amr Saleh:

The date of implementation of daylight saving time is one of the most searched words on Google search engines, and many citizens wonder about the date of implementation of daylight saving time approved by the government.

According to what was announced by the Egyptian government, daylight saving time will be implemented as scheduled during the month of April, starting from the last Friday of April, until the end of the last Thursday of October of each calendar year.

The hour will be moved forward by a full 60 minutes, so that the hour will be replaced from twelve midnight to one in the morning.

This comes within the framework of the government’s endeavor to rationalize the consumption of various energy sources, such as electricity, gasoline, diesel and gas.

It is worth noting that the Council of Ministers approved, on March 1, 2023, a draft law regarding the return of the daylight saving time system, as the draft law aims to rationalize energy consumption in light of the economic conditions and changes the world is witnessing. To achieve this, the government submitted the draft law to be implemented so that it provides The hour is 60 minutes from the last Friday of April until the end of the last Thursday of October of each calendar year.

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