Shalom Zachar to the Rabbi of Medinov • Events and times of Shabbat Chul HaMoed Sukkot

Salonim: The peace is remembered on the occasion of the birth of the great-grandson of the Masalonim rebbe, the grandson of his son Rabbi Mordechai Berzovsky, the rabbi of the Salonim yeshiva in Jerusalem, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Bastan, the son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Weinberg, will be held on Shabbat night at the table of his grandfather the Masalonim rebbe on the street Shmuel Selant in the Mea Shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem, the joy of the covenant will take place on Wednesday Hoshana Raba.

Pittsburgh: Shabbat Chul HaMoed falls on the fourth day of the Rebbe of Pittsburgh, late owner of the ‘Tefarat Mordechai’, his son acting in his place the Rebbe of Pittsburgh will hold a Tish Yartzeit on Shabbat night at the Great Bihamad in Kiryat Pittsburgh in the 7th district of Ashdod.

Monkatesh: Today is Yoma Dehilula Kaddisha of the Repentance Rabbi from Monkatesh ZA, his grandsons, the Rebbe brothers of Monkatesh and Dinov, will hold a Tish on Shabbat night on the occasion of Yarzeit at the Monkatesh Beit Midrash in the Borough Park neighborhood as well as the Dinov Beit Midrash in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn.

The Holy Jew: On Sunday, Chul HaMoed, Yoma Dehilula Kadisha of the Harak Baal the Holy Jew of Pshescha ZIA, his grandsons, the Rebbe of Beit Biala, will be held on the night of Shabbat, Tish Yartzeit, on the occasion of Hilula.

Sadigora: On Sunday, the Holy Week, the Yoma Dehilula Kadisha of the Harak owner of ‘Kedusht Aharon’ of Sadigora, his grandson, the Rebbe of Sadigora, will hold a table on Shabbat night on the occasion of Yarzeit in the Sukkah in the plaza of Beit Midrash Sadigora in Shekot Shikon H in Bnei Brak.

Dinov: The peace memorial on the occasion of the birth of the son of Rebbe Medinov, will be held in the Sukkah Beit Midrash of the “Bnei Issachar” on Darech Hebron Street 108 Talfiot neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Spinka: On the Sunday of Chul HaMoed, the Yoma Dehilula Kadisha of the Rebbe Baal Dover Mishri of Spinka ztzel, the Rebbe of Beit Spinka will hold tables on Shabbat night on the occasion of Yarzeit.

The peace memorial on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of Rabbi Yehuda Silman, son of his son, Rabbi Gedaliah Silman, SGR Bnei Brak, will be held at Rabbi Silman’s house on Tsefania Street in Bnei Brak.

The peace memorial on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of the Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lubin, Rabbi of the Ramat Aharon neighborhood in Bnei Brak, son of his son Rabbi Nachum Meir Lubin, son-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Tovia Blei, Rabbi of Kiryat Degel HaTorah in Elad, will be held in Elad.

The public figures, the Mashbakim, the journalists and the business people:

A Mazal Tov blessing to MK Yaakov Asher, on the occasion of the happy birth of his granddaughter on the night of Yom Kippur at a good and auspicious time, the daughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Mordechai Cohen

A Mazal Tov blessing to the Deputy Mayor of Bnei Brak, Gadalia Silman, on the occasion of the joyous birth of his son in Shat’um, HaShalom Zachar will be held tonight on the night of Shabbat, the Sukkot holiday, in the Sukkah under his house at 8 – 10 Zephaniah Street in Bnei Brak.

A Mazal Tov blessing for Meir Burd, the trustee of the house of the overseer Rabbi Dan Segal Segal on the occasion of his engagement to the son of Yechiel Ekstein from the municipality of Bnei Brak.

A Mazal Tov blessing to Rabbi Avromi Lemberger, his grandson and close friend of the Rebbe from the history of Avraham Yitzchak, on the occasion of the joy of the birth of his son.

A Mazal Tov blessing to Rabbi Shmuel Meir Bruin, the trustee of the house of the influential Rabbi Nachman Biderman of Laalov, on the occasion of the joyous birth of a son at a good time.

A congratulatory greeting to the CEO of the Farah network Moshe Stein on the occasion of the happy engagement of their son, the Bah’ah Yehuda from the Hebron Yeshiva Chosen.

Happy birthday to Pinchas Kubitz from the management of the ‘Beit Yaakov – Petahia’ chain on the occasion of the birth of the eldest daughter at a good and auspicious time.

Happy birthday to Lazer Bichler from “Bichler Investments and Real Estate Enterprises” on the occasion of the joy of the birth of a son at a good time. The peace was remembered on Saturday night at the Biala Pashisha Hospital in the 6th district of Ashdod.

A Mazal Tov greeting to the media person Nachman Tobul, the online spokesperson of Ihud Hatzla, on the occasion of the happy Bar Mitzvah for his son.

A warm and heartfelt congratulatory greeting to the senior tax advisor of the sector R. Lazer Eisenstein on the occasion of the joy of the birth of a daughter at a good and successful time.

A happy blessing to Anshil Bek Tselem of the Holy Court in Elza on the occasion of the joyous birth of a son at a good time.

The entry and exit times for Shabbat Shabbat, the time of Sukkot Tashfa in Israel and around the world:

Jerusalem – Saturday entrance: 17:27 | Shabbos departure: 18:38 | RT: 19:18

Bnei Brak – Shabbat entrance: 17:41 | Shabbos departure: 18:39 | RT: 19:14

Modi’in Ilit – Shabbat entry: 17:36 | Shabbos departure: 18:38 | RT: 19:17

Petah Tikva and Elad – Shabbat entrance: 17:27 | Shabbos departure: 18:38 | RT: 19:18

Haifa – Saturday entrance: Saturday entrance: 17:41 | Shabbos departure: 18:46 | RT: 19:21

Ashdod – Saturday entrance: 17:42 | Saturday departure: 18:40 | RT: 19:15

Safed – Saturday entrance: 17:33 | Shabbos departure: 18:36 | RT: 19:14

Tel Aviv – Saturday entrance: 17:42 | Shabbos departure: 18:41 | RT: 19:16

Be’er Sheva – Saturday entrance: 17:46 | Shabbos departure: 18:42 | RT: 19:20

The public is called to add and advance to accept Shabbat half an hour before sunset for the benefit and healing of the sick of his people Israel and for the success of the war and the return of the abducted to their homes.

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