Supplication for the first Friday of Ramadan.. Ask God for everything on this day

The supplication for the first Friday in Ramadan.. Many fasting people search for the supplication for the first Friday in the blessed month of Ramadan, as Friday is the most beloved of days to God, for it is on it that Adam was created and on it he was entered into Paradise, and the Hour does not come until Friday.

We review for you the best supplications that are recommended to be repeated on Friday:

Supplication for the first Friday of Ramadan

O God, praise be to You, filling the heavens, filling the earth, filling what is between them, and filling whatever You wish after them.

Oh God, I ask you, O reliever of worry, O remover of grief, O responder to the prayers of those in distress, O Most Merciful of this world, O Most Merciful of the afterlife, have mercy on me with your mercy.

Oh God, grant us the pleasure of looking at your honorable face, and the longing to meet you, without being lost, misguided, or tempted. Oh God, keep us under your shade on the day when there is no shade but your shade.

Oh God, I ask You that praise be to You, there is no god but You, the Compassionate, the Benevolent, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the Possessor of Majesty and Honor, with Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

Oh God, there is no guide for whom You have led astray, no Giver of what You have withheld, no deterrence of what You have given, no Extender of what You have seized, no advancer of what You have delayed, and no delayer of what You have given.

Ramadan supplications

Supplication for the first Friday of Ramadan

Glory be to You, there is no god but You. I ask You to answer prayers and give thanks in times of hardship and ease. Glory be to You, O God, and with Your praise, there is no god but You. You looked at the highest heavens and fastened their plates.

Oh God, we ask you on Friday for supplications that will be answered, sins that will be forgiven, and needs that will be fulfilled. Oh God, forgive us and have mercy on us and forgive our dead and the dead Muslims. A good Friday that will make your conditions good and your souls happy.

Oh God, grant us hearts overflowing with your love, blessings that last with your grace, souls that desire to obey you, and a tongue that never tires of mentioning you, Lord of the worlds.

Supplications on the first day of Ramadan

Oh God, I ask you for wellness in this world and the hereafter. Oh God, I ask you for forgiveness and well-being in my religion, my world, my family, and my money. Oh God, cover my private parts. Oh God, protect me from before me, from behind me, from my right, from my left, and from above me, and I seek refuge in Your greatness from being assassinated from under me.

Ramadan supplications

Prayers for the month of Ramadan

Oh God, let us reach Ramadan and help us to fast, pray, pray, and read the Qur’an.

O God, bless us and the Muslims in fasting the month of Ramadan, and help us in it and at other times to fast, pray, pray, and recite the Qur’an, and cut off from us the party of Satan and move us away from the fires, and bestow upon us repentance, forgiveness, acceptance, and contentment, and make faith beloved to us and beautify our hearts, and hate to us disbelief, immorality, and disobedience. O God, grant us peace in Paradise and our spouses. From the fair-eyed hoors and give us of every fruit a pair in your abode, the abode of peace, by your grace and grace, your presence, your generosity, and the benevolence of your kindness, O Possessor of majesty and honor, and grant us his fasting, his standing, his completion, and his acceptance, and let us die with the righteous, and bless our master Muhammad, the master of the good.

Oh God, let us reach Ramadan and grant us a share of all the goodness that you send down in it, with your greatest generosity, and make me taste the sweetness of your remembrance, and express your thanks, and protect us in it with protection, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

Oh God, bless us with what remains of Sha`ban and let us reach Ramadan. Oh God, grant us the fast of Ramadan in faith and hope, O Generous One. Oh God, grant us the arrival of Ramadan. Oh God, make us reach Ramadan. Oh God, make us reach Ramadan. Oh God, grant us the month of Ramadan for many days and long years. May your blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his pure family.

Oh God, let us reach Ramadan and make us in it among your righteous and obedient servants who seek forgiveness and those who are close to you, and make us in it among those who trust in you, winners in your presence, and those who are close to you, and remove me in it from the causes of your displeasure. O God, help us to fast and perform it with your success, O Guide of the misguided, and bring me closer to you by showing mercy to orphans, feeding food, spreading peace, and keeping company with honorable people. O God, make me love you. Benevolence and hate for me immorality and disobedience, and forbidden to anger and fire, with your help, O helper of those who seek help.

Read alsoA supplication on the first day of Ramadan

Oh God, grant us praise that fills the scale.. The supplication of the fourth day of Ramadan

Supplication for the fourth day of Ramadan.. Oh God, strengthen me in carrying out Your command

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