Supplication for the sixth day of Ramadan 2024: Oh God, protect us with your eye that does not

02:04 PM

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Written by Ali Shibl:

On the sixth day of the month of blessings and blessings, the month of mercy and forgiveness, the month of the Qur’an in which a night is better than a thousand months, Masrawy monitors throughout the holy month the best recommended and answered supplications for the fasting person to be careful of, based on what was reported from the Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) that he said: “ There are three whose supplications will not be rejected: a just imam, a fasting person when he breaks his fast, and the supplication of an oppressed person…” Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi and authenticated by Al-Albani. This hadith encourages the fasting person to take advantage of the moments of fasting and breaking the fast, and pray for whatever goodness he likes, hoping that God will grant him an answer.

Among the masterpieces of supplication on the sixth day of the blessed month of Ramadan:

Oh God, I will fast for you and with your provision I will break my fast, so accept my prayers, my fasting, my prayers, my supplications, and all my deeds, and forgive me and my parents, for you are the Forgiving, the Merciful.

O God, guard us with Your eyes that do not sleep, cover us with Your protection that does not harm, protect us with Your glory that does not oppress, protect us night and day, and have mercy on us with Your power over us. You are our trust and our hope. How many blessings You have bestowed upon us, I will tell you our thanks for them, and how many calamities you have afflicted us with, I will tell you. Through it we have been patient, and how many sins we have committed that have not disgraced us. O He who said when His grace gave us thanks and did not deprive us, O He who showed little patience when we were afflicted and did not abandon us, and O He who saw us in sins and did not lose your cover from us, protect us with Your mercy upon us for the remainder of our lives.

O Judge of needs, O Revealer of distress, O Answerer of prayers, O Forgiver of transgressions, heal us and pardon us, relieve our worries, comfort our chests, correct our conditions, fulfill our hopes, heal our sick, have mercy on our dead, make our hearts happy, and make us among those accepted by you in this world and the hereafter, with your mercy. O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
Oh God, I have entrusted you with my affairs, so I seek refuge in you from my misfortune, the distress of my chest, and the emptiness of my patience, and make me, O Lord, one of those whom you looked at, had mercy on, and heard his supplication, so I answered him. My Lord, make my request easy for me and make my goal easy for me, even if what I pray for is impossible, you are the All-Powerful. Nothing on earth or in heaven is impossible for you, and if it is evil, make it easy for me. Please grant me goodness and your presence, O God.

O God, bless and bless our master Muhammad and his family and companions. O God, as you have adorned the sky of your universe with your stars, decorate our hearts with the love of your beloved, your Prophet, and your Messenger, and guard us with your eye that never sleeps, and envelop us in your careless shroud, and make us among those who see it in wakefulness and sleep, O tenderness, O graceful, O possessor of majesty. And honor.

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