Tami Arad on the 38th anniversary of Ron’s fall in captivity: “Ceremonies will not atone for the abduction of the abductees”

On the 38th anniversary of Ron Arad’s fall in captivity, today (Wednesday) his wife Tami Arad published a poignant and moving post in which she refers to the fall, the years that have passed since then, and the painful reality that dozens of Israeli hostages are currently being held in Gaza. In the post, Tami expresses her pain over the loss, the feeling of abandonment that continues even today, and expresses sharp criticism towards the decision makers in Israel, who she says have neglected the value of mutual guarantee.

The last photo of Ron Arad received in Israel in 2008, Photography: None

“38 years after Ron’s fall in captivity, he lives, misses, dreams of returning home… this trial, as we know, not only has no happy ending, it has no end.” “In those days, the political echelon made a wrong decision. At that time, the concept of abandonment had not yet been consciously born. For years, attempts were made to ‘correct the error’, great efforts were made in the search for Ron, but the tragic result did not change. Ron was not found.”

Ron Arad with his house Yuval, Photo: Tami Arad’s Facebook page

“About a decade ago, Avra ​​Menigisto was abandoned in Gaza. The public in Israel remained indifferent, the decision-makers did not think that they should make an effort to return him or Hisham al-Sayed, two traumatized, second-class citizens, not to mention the Ethiopian and the Bedouin.”

“On October 7, 2023, the sky fell. 250 babies, girls and children, women and men, soldiers were abducted to Gaza at the same time as the horrific massacre committed by Hamas in Otef. Few imagined at the time that on October 7, 2024, 101 of the abductees would become Abra and Hisham from the government’s point of view Israel”.

A destroyed house in Bari after October 7 (archive), Photography: Moshe Shay

“On the morning of October 7, Siegel, at the end of the ninth month of her pregnancy, locked herself in the MMD with their three children in Nir Oz. Dolev, a medic by training, left the house to provide medical aid to friends who fought for the house. For about eight months, members of the Yehud family believed that Dolev was kidnapped to Gaza like his sister Arbel. In early June, it became clear that Dolev was murdered on October 7.”

“Just a year ago, who could have imagined that the Prime Minister of Israel would sabotage the deal that he himself proposed, and that prayers for the release of the abductees led by the Prime Minister’s wife would become the only arm of the political action for their release.” “Who could have imagined that ‘together we will win’ would turn into ‘together without the kidnapped’ and who could have believed that the value of ransoming prisoners would become a political polemic linked to the Smolenians.”

The battles on the seventh of October. Photo: The use is made according to Section 27A of the Copyright Law

“We, Ron’s family, remember the time when mutual guarantee was not considered a dirty word. On the contrary. We have felt the support of the general public all these years. We have never encountered insults and spitting, scorners and haters. Even if we realized over the years that prisoners are a burden on the shoulders of the state, we felt Ron’s loss touches the heart of every Israeli, whether right-wing or left-wing, secular or religious.”

Kidnap deal (archive), Photo: E.P

“Ron is immortalized in various projects in Israel without us as a family being involved in the initiatives. I feel this happened because Ron’s disappearance was never accepted as a decree of fate. Whoever immortalized Ron immortalized the fragility of the captive’s life as a warning sign.”

Facilitators of the state-governmental ceremony for Shiva in October, Photography: Photography of the set of ceremonies and state events

“Ceremonies and days of mourning will not atone for the abduction of the abductees. There is no other way to return them all but with a quick deal.” “Whoever will improve the alliance between the state and its citizens, who will tear the other thread from the special tissue that connects the parts of Israeli society, who will not be surprised when the State of Israel is emptied of its best sons and daughters, of scientists, doctors and academics, of high-tech people, of a group of young people, who today are still biting their lips, carrying the burden Regularly and in reserve, in jobs essential to the economy, and holding the state’s head above water on their narrow shoulders.”

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