Tarek Fouad: Sherine passed a test when she was a child.. and when she became famous, she was caught in the dark.

Singer Tariq Fouad said that he composed the song “Kan Nefna,” which witnessed the first appearance of the artist Sherine Abdel Wahab in her video clip when she was a child. He continued: “I got stuck in my head, things happened a long time ago, but they reconciled with me.”

Fouad added in his interview with the journalist Basma Wahba, presenter of the “Al-Arafa” program, on Al-Mehwar and Al-Nahar channels: “I was an assistant in the clip, and the song was written by Imad Sobhi and arranged by Adel Ayesh, and this song was considered the best Arabic song.”

The singer continued: “I took an exam at our home and Sherine came to me with 10 children. I chose her and I chose the second child, Ahmed Fathi. When I entered the studio, I recorded the song ‘Kan Nafsna’. The musicians were impressed by Sherine, even though she was 12 years old, and among them was Yahya Al-Muji.”

Regarding the reason why Sherine ignored him, he said: “She was a big star, and on my birthday, my friend, Dr. Majid Bahjat, the biggest ear, nose and throat doctor, came with me, and he said I was going to Sherine to say hello to her. I told him to call me from there so I could turn on the speaker and show off to my sisters because she was broken in the world, so I sat down.” I talk to him and tell him, ‘I’m going to blow out the candles,’ but one time I found her shouting and hanging up the phone while I was talking. I had a bad attitude in front of my sisters, my wife, my children, and my daughter. I was a little embarrassed, but that’s it.”

Singer Tariq Fouad spoke about the scenes of the reconciliation with the artist Sherine Abdel Wahab, after she “turned off the phone in his face,” explaining: “We were on the birthday of Her Highness Princess Samaher and Hassan Abu Al-Saud was arguing with Sherine at the same time as well. She was a problem worker with him.”

Fouad added: “I found someone who made me faint from behind and stayed for a while, and then I turned around and found her telling me you have the right to me and I will never do that again.”
The singer continued: “She is kind and I love her voice very much, and when Oyoun Al Qalb sang at the last concert, it was something that made the heart happy.”

Singer Tariq Fouad said that it was a tune for all singers of his generation, such as Ali Al-Hajjar, Medhat Saleh, and Mohamed Al-Helou, and he also composed it for Reham Abdel Hakim, noting that he was the first to perform it.

He added: “I was the first to support Mai Farouk, and she said that the first people to support her were Ammar and Tarek Fouad, and I predicted for her voice and the voice of Reham Abdel Hakim that they would be the hope of Egypt.”

The singer continued: “But there are singers I myself compose for, like Angham. As for Amr Diab, he was my colleague at the institute and I was older than 3 years, and I see that he is the honorable face of Egypt. He is a big name, but I will not compose, because I compose for the voice that I love, the oriental Arabic voice.” I like melodies by Medhat, Ali Al-Haggar, Mohamed Al-Helou, Angham, Sherine, and Amal Maher, and I don’t like melodies by Amr Diab because my melodies don’t suit him, and I like melodies by Tamer Hosni.”

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