The appeal of those accused of fabricating the magic of Moamen Zakaria and their imprisonment for 3 years was heard on October 29

The Mostanf Al-Khalifa Misdemeanor Court has set a session for next October 29 to consider the appeal of those accused of using the magic rub against the player Moamen Zakaria, against the ruling that they will be imprisoned for 3 years with work, and each of them will be fined 100 pounds for what was assigned to them, and a bail of 5 thousand pounds will be imposed to temporarily suspend the execution.

The Ministry of Interior agencies had revealed the fact that a video clip had been circulated on social networking sites and transmitted by a number of channels, including that a person found witchcraft while he was planting a cactus in front of a cemetery belonging to the family of the player Magdy Abdel Ghani, located in the Al-Khalifa Police Department in Cairo. It consisted of papers and a picture of the player. Moamen Zakaria, with some incomprehensible hieroglyphs and phrases written on it.

Upon examination, the security services of the Cairo Security Directorate were able to identify and arrest the publisher of the video clip referred to. It was found that he was a cemetery worker. When confronted, he admitted to fabricating the incident in conjunction with his son, two other people, and a woman who were arrested.

The defense of the player, Moamen Zakaria Haitham Al-Fawy, said that he submitted a memorandum to the court, which included 15 documents, clauses, and evidence confirming the involvement of the accused in committing the crime and fabricating magic for Moamen Zakaria with the intention of defrauding him. He also demanded financial compensation for the damages he sustained as a result of this incident, where he claimed a civil claim. 100,000 and one pound as temporary compensation.

He added that the items included, firstly, what was confirmed by the investigations of the General Investigations regarding the proof of the incident against the defendants through the words of Al-Qa’im, the head of investigations at the Al-Khalifa Police Department, and secondly, the acknowledgment of the defendants, “Omniah Kasban,” in the report of the collection of evidence at the Al-Khalifa Police Department, which was supported by the “full confessions” in the Public Prosecution’s investigations. By requesting the sum of “100 thousand pounds” from the broadcaster’s business manager, Reham Saeed, she actually went with her accused husband, “Mohamed Omar,” to the studio, filmed the episode, and published the photos and video.

Moamen’s lawyer pointed out that the broadcaster, Reham Saeed, in the episode of Sunday, September 29, 2024, in her program, said that the accused, Mohamed Omar, asked for 5 million pounds to give her the video clip of Captain Moamen Zakaria, which was filmed surreptitiously without his knowledge, and as soon as he saw the one in charge of filming, he asked that he not publish and broadcast the pictures. And the video clips, pointing to what was proven by the technical examination report in proving the evidence and conviction against the accused through the messages exchanged between them regarding the arrangement of procedures for fabricating the Zaqa and the role of each accused in it through what was proven by examining the phones seized for the accused.

Al-Fawy added that the investigation authorities proved by examining the messages exchanged between the accused, Umniah Kasban, and the accused, Jakim, on the WhatsApp program, showing that there were pictures of Captain Moamen Zakaria used in fabricated witchcraft between her and the accused, Hakim, whose name is Abbas, the son of Al-Tarbi, the first accused, with a previous date that they committed the incident on September 7, 2024. The print was from a photography studio owned by the accused, Maher Zakhary, pointing out that the accused, Maher Zakhary, acknowledged that the accused, Umniah Kasban, in conjunction with the accused, Hakim, went to his photography studio and requested immediate printing of pictures of Captain Moamen Zakaria, and when the owner of the studio told her that there was no immediate printing, she returned and sent the accused. Hakim went to the studio to make an ordinary print, which proves her deliberate intention and the direction of her will and confirms her determination to achieve the act and the criminal result by printing two pictures of Captain Moamen Zakaria and receiving a receipt from the studio stating that the print was worth 40 pounds, and they are the same pictures used in the fabricated magic.

For his part, Moataz Al-Suwaifi, the lawyer for the defendants in the player Moamen Zakaria’s witchcraft incident, said that he will ask the court to try the defendants on charges of spreading false news only, and to exclude the charges of fraud, fraud, and extortion.

He added that the maximum penalty for spreading false news in the Penal Code is one year imprisonment and bail.

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