The Armant Sugar Factory receives tons of cane daily and targets 950 thousand tons.. Pictures

Communicate within factories Arment sugar West of Luxor Governorate, the process of farmers supplying their sugarcane crop to enter the various manufacturing stages in the factory, where the supply price is 1,500 pounds per ton, with additional supply incentives of 300 to 500 pounds being disbursed to farmers for each ton according to the quantities of cane supplied per acre, in addition to The basic supply price, in order to encourage farmers to increase supply rates, which contributes to increasing sugar production, according to chemist Ismail Hussein Fouad, head of the Armant Sugar Factories sectors.

The head of Armant Sugar Factories added to Al-Youm Al-Sabea that support is being provided to all farmers to overcome all obstacles facing them during supply, as fixed incentives are provided to farmers from the company, as it receives about 9 thousand tons of cane daily, and it is expected to receive 950 thousand tons over the course of a year. season to produce more than 100,000 tons of sugar from Armant factories, explaining that in the past, crops were transported entirely by decoville trains, and farmers have recently used tractors.

Chemist Ismail Hussein Fouad confirmed that the Armant Sugar Factory is one of the oldest factories in Egypt, as the Armant Sugar Factory officially began operating at the time of its establishment in 1869 AD, about 154 years ago, and the total area cultivated with cane crops in the governorate is approximately 36 thousand acres.

It is worth noting that, according to the Minister of Supply’s Decision No. 22 of 2024, the price of supplying a ton of sugar beets was increased from 1,500 pounds to range from 1,900 to 1,350 pounds, after adding the additional incentive for every ton supplied by beet farmers during the current season, with the aim of encouraging farmers to Increasing supply rates, 1,900 pounds will be disbursed for every ton of beets supplied during the period from March 1 to 15, 2024, which includes 1,500 pounds as a basic price and 400 additional incentives per ton, while 1,750 pounds will be disbursed per ton for supplies from March 16 to 31. 2024, which includes 1,400 pounds as a basic price and 350 pounds as an additional incentive per ton. Additionally, 1,600 pounds will be disbursed for each ton supplied during the period from April 1 to 15, 2024. It includes 1,300 pounds as a base price and 300 pounds as an additional incentive per ton, while 1,450 pounds will be disbursed per ton supplied during The period from April 16 to 30, 2024, which includes 1,200 pounds as a basic price and 250 pounds as an additional incentive per ton. Also, 1,350 pounds will be disbursed per ton supplied during the period from May 1, 2024 until the end of the season, which includes 1,100 pounds as a base price and 250 pounds as an additional incentive per ton.

Reeds on Luxor tractors before being transported to the factory

Reeds on Luxor tractors before being transported to the factory

The factory receives tons of cane daily and targets 950 thousand tons during the season

The factory receives tons of cane daily and targets 950 thousand tons during the season

Decauville trains are one of the means of transporting cane to the factory

Decauville trains are one of the means of transporting cane to the factory

Armant Sugar Factory receives tons of cane daily

Armant Sugar Factory receives tons of cane daily

Transporting tons of cane from Luxor farms

Transporting tons of cane from Luxor farms

Quantities of cane arrive on tractors to farms in Luxor

Quantities of cane arrive on tractors to farms in Luxor

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