The death of the largest conjoined twins in the world

After a busy life that caught the attention of doctors, scientists and the media, the world’s oldest conjoined twins died at the age of 62.

According to the encyclopediaGuinnessFor the record, Lori and George Chappelle were born in 1961 in Pennsylvania with partially fused skulls, sharing vital blood vessels and 30 percent of their brain.

And he died The twins at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, according to an online obituary, while the cause of death remains unknown.

The Chappelle twins defied all medical expectations that said they would not live beyond the age of thirty, and they were able to live two separate lives despite their physical connection.

George enjoyed a successful career as a country singer, according to “GuinnessWhile Lori was an award-winning bowler, they have also appeared in several documentaries.

Footage of the twins showed how Lori, who was able-bodied, pushed George, who had a condition known as spina bifida, into a wheelchair.

The twins lived in a two-bedroom apartment in the state PennsylvaniaThey were able to engage in separate hobbies and even shower individually.

In a 1997 documentary, when George was asked if they wanted to break up, he said: “Absolutely not. My theory is: Why fix what’s not broken?”

Lori and George leave behind their father, six siblings, several nephews, and an “extended family” of friends, according to the obituary.

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