The full story of the case of Habiba Al-Shamaa… a testimony that exposed the driver and his bleeding to death

02:48 PM

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Books – Mahmoud Saeed:

Tomorrow, Monday, the Cairo Criminal Court, sitting in the Fifth Settlement Courts Complex, will begin the first court session of the Uber driver accused in the case of the death of the Shorouk girl, Habiba Al-Shamaa.

“Masrawy” reviews the paths of the case that shook public opinion, which began last February 21 until the death of Habiba Al-Shamaa on last March 14 due to a brain hemorrhage in the hospital.

The beginning of the case of Habiba Al-Shammaa

Social media pioneers circulated a post by Habiba Al-Shamaa’s cousin, which said: “I am writing this post to tell you what happened to my cousin, because firstly, I want you to pray for her, may God heal her and return her to us safely.. Her condition is still in danger.. Habiba is unconscious and has bleeding in her throat.” The brain does not stop. Secondly, take care of yourself and your daughters. People are still harmful. May God keep the evils of people away from us.”

The girl mentioned, “Habiba took an Uber from my city and was going to Heliopolis at 6:50. Then Habiba’s friends called her to see where she had arrived. Someone answered and told them that the owner of the phone had fallen from the car. She kept tossing and turning until she hit the cement barrier on the road. Suez Road…and when he asked her what happened to you…she said the Uber driver wanted to kidnap me and she went into convulsions and lost consciousness.”

Saving Habiba Al-Shamma

Amr Bilal, a special education specialist, the only witness to the Habib Al-Shamaa incident, said that on the day of the accident, he was riding in a Suzuki car with a driver, and they were taking a group of children with disabilities on the Suez road, and we were surprised by “a girl throwing herself out of a car at great speed.”

He added that Habiba Al-Shamma’ opened the right rear door of the car and jumped out, “The driver left her and continued on his way,” so we stopped on the right side of the road and ran toward her to help and rescue her.

“Uber was kidnapping me… and I jumped out of Arabic.” These are words that 23-year-old Habiba Al-Shammaa told her before she suffered a prolonged coma as a result of a brain hemorrhage, according to the witness’ statements.

“Bilal” explained that the Al-Shorouk girl had convulsions 13 times before she was brought to the hospital and opened her phone before she fainted, revealing a humanitarian gesture from a girl who lives in Madinaty who transported her in her car to Madinaty clinics to save the situation, then they transferred her to Al-Shorouk General Hospital and from there to intensive care at the International Medical Center. .

Uber driver confession: I drank marijuana after the incident

The Ministry of Interior announced the arrest of the Uber driver accused of the incident with Habiba Al-Shamaa.

The driver said that as soon as he closed the car windows and sprayed perfume, he was surprised by the aforementioned jumping out of the car, so he continued his journey and did not stop for fear of being harmed.

“Mahmoud H.,” the Uber driver, said during his interrogation during the investigations that the victim was riding in his car at the time of the incident, and immediately after he closed the car’s windows and scattered the aromatic substance seized in his possession, he forced the student to jump out of the car as it was traveling at a speed of 100 km/hour on the Suez Road, and that he fled. fled after that.

The accused admitted that he continued to use the narcotic substance cannabis. He took a dose of it before the incident and another after it happened.

Uber’s certificate puts its driver in trouble

The prosecution heard the statements of Othman Ibrahim, the legal representative of Uber, who testified that the accused is a client of the company (a driver), and the company has received many complaints against him, and his account on the company’s application has been closed more than once as a result.

The company representative submitted a record of registered complaints against the driver through the Uber application, which are numerous complaints that, in their entirety, indicate his misconduct and harsh behavior with the users of the application.

The company’s legal representative explained to the investigating authorities that the driver had a complaint registered against him from a female customer indicating that he had committed acts that involved physical harassment of her while she was riding in the car with him.

It was proven from the Public Prosecution’s review of the complaint – the aforementioned – that it was sent by a customer stating her complaint to Uber about the accused because during the trip he touched her hand and tried to get close to her more than once, and his hand extended to her thighs.

Drug test exposes the driver

The Public Prosecution received the report from the chemical laboratory at the Forensic Medicine Department of the accused driver, which tested positive for the Uber driver’s use of narcotic substances. Thus, it will change the course of the case, so there is a criminal right against the company for its negligence in detecting the drivers, according to the family’s lawyer, Muhammad Amin.

Dr. Amr Abdel Moneim, the lawyer for the Uber driver accused in the “Sunrise Girl” incident, Habiba Al-Shamaa, said that an examination of the victim’s clothes did not prove the presence of any narcotic substances that were sprayed on her, but rather just “perfume” circulating in the markets, which is consistent with his client’s statements.

Civil claim against the driver

The lawyer for the family of the Shorouk girl, Habiba Al-Shamaa, filed a civil lawsuit before the Public Prosecution, accusing Uber and its driver of harming her financially and morally in the amount of 100 thousand pounds and one as temporary civil compensation.

Civil compensation enables the victim’s defense to plead before the court later and return to request compensation before the civil court if a final ruling is issued in her favor on the criminal aspect.

The death of Habiba Al-Shamaa

On March 14, 2024, Habiba Al-Shamaa died after her health condition deteriorated, as she suffered bleeding from her eyes and a severe brain hemorrhage.

Uber driver referred for felonies

The Public Prosecution ordered that the accused of attempting to kidnap the victim, Habiba Al-Shamaa, be referred to the competent criminal court. To punish him on charges of attempting to kidnap her by force, possession of narcotic cannabis essence in circumstances other than those permitted by law, and driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of that drug.

The Cairo Court of Appeal set April 15 to consider the first session of the accused’s trial.

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