The Likud tour of Kibbutz Nirim “for settlement” – and the residents’ outrage

After an invitation was issued on behalf of the Likud for a tour of Kibbutz Nirim, as part of a “Conference on Settlement in Gaza”, the kibbutz reacted angrily: “It is not on our mind – therefore it will not take place. We are waiting for the government and the members of the coalition to accept responsibility for the magnitude of the failure and neglect. Instead of political conferences to establish settlement nuclei – good It would be if they were engaged in the return of the 101 abductees and the support and construction of the surrounding settlements and their rehabilitation”

Kibbutz Nirim after the massacre and the Likud announcement for a tour of the kibbutz

Kibbutz Nirim after the massacre and Likud’s announcement for a tour of the kibbutz Photo: Yossi Aloni, Flash 90

In the background of commemorating the anniversary of the October 7 massacre, an invitation signed by Knesset members from the Likud party, led by Minister for Social Equality and Promotion of the Status of Women Mai Golan, was sent to the members of the Likud center – to participate in the conference “Preparing for settlement in Gaza together with the seeds of settlement” during the holiday of Sukkot. As part of the conference, a visit to Kibbutz Nirim and a conversation with the Rabbi of the Kibbutz was planned.

However, the management of Kibbutz Nirim reacted angrily to the Likud’s invitation – and rejected their visit: “The tour is not compatible with Nirim, according to the Rabbinical Law it is not compatible with them either and it is not in our opinion, therefore it will not take place either. We are still waiting for the government and the members of the coalition to accept responsibility for the magnitude of the omission and neglect of the events of October 7, and for the bleeding wound in our hearts.”

“Instead of engaging in political conferences for the establishment of settlement nuclei,” reads the response of Kibbutz Nirim management, “it would be good if the government and its coalition members were engaged in the return of the 101 abductees and the support and construction of the surrounding settlements and their rehabilitation.”

Minister Mai

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