The Ministry of Housing… announces the date for disbursing housing support in the month of Ramadan 1445

The Ministry of Housing has set the date for disbursing housing support, which many beneficiaries of social protection programs have asked about. The date for disbursing housing support is a fixed date for everyone, corresponding to the 24th of every Gregorian month, unless this day falls on an official holiday. Support can be disbursed one day before or after the specified day. One day for all beneficiaries Housing support Citizens residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

When is housing support disbursed during Ramadan?

This question is asked by many residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ensure that support reaches those who deserve it. This is in application of social protection, and the date for disbursing support is:

  • The housing subsidy disbursement date is the 24th of every Gregorian month, corresponding to the 14th of Ramadan 1445.
  • If the salary is delayed, it will be deducted 5 days after the 24th, which is the maximum number of days.

Request support from the Sakani platform

There are many citizens who do not benefit from housing support who would like to apply for housing support, and we will explain to you in the following lines the steps for requesting support:

  • First, log in to the platform residential To obtain a support request.
  • Record the applicant’s national ID number and date of birth.
  • Click on Verification. Register your email and password for the applicant.
  • Record all required personal data.
  • Click on submit a housing support request.
  • You must read the terms and conditions and click to agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Answer all platform questions related to your current residence.
  • You will receive a message that the application was successful and that you are eligible for housing support.
  • You can wait until you get a message containing the steps to receive support.

Conditions for obtaining housing support

To obtain housing support, all conditions set by the Saudi Ministry of Housing must be met, and the most important conditions are the following:

  • The applicant must be of Saudi parents, i.e. of Saudi nationality.
  • The applicant does not own any real estate or any asset of significant value.
  • His age must be between 25 to 60 years.
  • He must not have benefited from any support program.
  • The applicant must be a woman who supports her children, a father, a wife, a husband, or a mother.
  • The applicant must have a fixed income and submit all documents proving this.

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