The prime minister of Slovakia was shot in the stomach; There is fear for his life View the documentation

Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Picchu He was shot four times today (Wednesday) after the cabinet meeting and was hit in the stomach and arm. President of Slovakia Zuzana Chepotova Condemned the attack, calling it “brutal” and wished Picchu a speedy recovery as he is on his way to surgery.

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As you remember, the party of the former prime minister of Slovakia, Robert Picchu, won the elections held for the local parliament. His pro-Russian party was ahead of the main rival, the pro-Western Progressive Party, thus increasing the concern in the European Union about the country’s future foreign policy. Samar, Pizzo’s social democratic party, won 23% of the votes and is expected to receive 42 of the 150 seats.

The 59-year-old Picchu, who served as prime minister between 2006 and 2010, publicly stated that he would stop military aid to Ukraine, and sharply criticized the sanctions imposed by Western countries on Moscow.

Also, the former Slovak Prime Minister is also known for his views against the LGBT community. However, it is still not possible to assess what the future government in Slovakia will look like, and this will depend, among other things, on the third largest party – “HLAS”, which received 15% of the votes.

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