The whole city lights a memorial candle in the street or at home – news

Memorial candle lighting stations for spaces throughout the city, nine stations scattered for free access to light a memorial candle. all the people,

Zion Sultan

The night of remembrance must be different, in unity, in unity, together we will remember and pray for the lifting up of the souls of the heroes.

This year, a new event was added to the remembrance activity led in our city Deputy Mayor Rina Hollander. This event is different from the other events, it is not mass, there is no requirement for a quorum and there is no obligation to show up at a certain time, at any time, at any moment you want, you can come and unite with the martyrs and those who have fallen in defense of the people and the country.

The candle lighting stations are spread out and scattered throughout the city, in the neighborhoods, in a central location, any person, man or woman, can stand up and light a memorial candle. Whoever wants to add a silent prayer will be blessed, whoever wants to say a chapter of Psalms is very good. Below are the addresses as provided by Mrs. Hollander.

Below are the addresses: Recido Square, Ramat Beit Shemesh Commercial Center A (near Strauss Bazaar), Ramat Beit Shemesh Commercial Center C (near the Red Pirate), Shear Ha’ir, Naimi Square – near the entrance to the municipality, Glasses School, Ramat Beit Commercial Center Shemesh D. (near Chalat Habit), near the entrance to the cemetery on Levy Eshkol Street, corner of Ben Ze’ev, up to the water tower. Time: Monday the Air between 10:00 and 12:00

A total of 9 positions where they will wait for you, the positions with operators who will hand you a memorial candle to light. So make a little effort, try harder to arrive and show up. We will all together light a memorial candle in honor of the spaces that dictated our lives.

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