Tonight: “Turning off beacons and lighting hope” ceremony at Amphi Shoni with the participation of families of abductees

At the end of the day of remembrance for the martyrs of the IDF and Israel’s systems and the victims of hostilities, the traditional beacon lighting ceremony that opens the Independence Day celebrations will begin – even if this year they will be accompanied by great sadness. At the same time as the ceremony that signals the transition from sadness to national pride, a “beacon switching off and lighting” ceremony will be held in protest The Hope” at Amphi Shoni.

The ceremony, which will be attended by freed abductees and family members of the abductees who are still held captive, will be held at the Shuni Amphitheatre, and will be broadcast live on a number of sites and on screens throughout the country, including Tel Aviv (Habima), Jerusalem (Paris Square), Haifa, Karkur Crossing, Tivon, Hod Hasharon, Mezkeret Batia and more .

A statement on behalf of the organizers reads: “While the Israeli government will hold a cowardly, despicable, detached and audience-less showcase, families of abductees and concerned citizens will hold a respectful and appropriate ceremony that is connected to the public’s feelings. A ceremony that acknowledges pain and loss, directs a look at the shared disaster, yet empowers and inspires hope. State Amended cannot celebrate when 132 men and women are held captive. During the ceremony we will turn off the beacons of abandonment, neglect, disdain and abandonment, and light up hope for a better future, mutual guarantee and the return of all the abducted.”

The ceremony will be hosted by Lucy Ahrish and Jackie Levy. It will also be attended by Rona Keenan, Dror Keren, Daniela Spektor, Ha Ha Ha Ha’at and Noa Kohler.

Maccabi and the lighting of the beacons: Einav Tsengauker – the mother of Matan Tsengauker, who was kidnapped in Gaza, Eyal and Sharon Eshel – the parents of the late Roni Eshel, who was murdered in HML the observers, Merav Sbirsky – the home of Orit and Rafi who were murdered in Bari, the sister of Itai who was murdered in Hamas captivity, Carmit Pelti Katzir – the sister of Elad Katzir who was murdered in Hamas captivity, Galit Dan – the mother of Noya Dan and the daughter of Carmela Dan who were murdered in Nir Oz, three of her family members were kidnapped, Ravid Menashe – from the founders of the headquarters for the recognition of harm to women in war, Dafna Sheft – a psychiatrist in the public service, Lior and Amos Alon – residents of Bari and survivors of the massacre, Tamir Reicher – founder of the rescue and rescue group and initiator of the Kidnapped Disks, Liat Kobrigro and Naa Zemberg Kersik – partners in the establishment of the civilian group, Shir and Doron Shabtai – lawyer and social worker, residents of Sderot, Brigadier General (resp. David Agmon – fought in battles in Otef, Yasmin Porat – survivor of the Nova party and the tank shooting incident in Bari, Michal Lahav – displaced from her home in the north for 7 months, Yael Alon – daughter and bereaved mother.

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