Video – Mustafa Kamel reveals dangerous secrets about the death of Helmy Bakr

The artist Mustafa Kamel, head of the Musical Professions Syndicate, was a guest on the “The Oracle” program presented by the journalist Basma Wahba on the “Al-Mehwar” channel, where he revealed new secrets about the death of the musician Helmy Bakr. He said: “The son of the late musician Helmy Bakr did not let me down, but he was late in appreciating his father,” stressing that it is not normal for him to cry or be sad more than Helmy Bakr’s family, including his son.

Mustafa Kamel added that despite this, he feels very sad about the musician’s passing, and more than his son’s sadness for him, and that these are natural feelings that reflect the special relationship that he had with the late musician.

He explained: “There were introductions that said that Helmy Bakr was dying and ending, and I said to his son, God Almighty, early and we will catch up and try and have the honor of trying, and the day he said I will come, God’s command was carried out. Three days before his death, I spoke to Hisham Helmy Bakr, and I told him, “Catch up with your father. We want to catch up with him and save him quickly.” And he was late… I saw many things about Helmy Bakr’s funeral that I did not like, and I found Mr. Helmy Bakr’s son coming to Body Gardat, and I did not know who understood him to do this, and I did not understand anything about his situation. He was going to quarrel with his father’s widow, so we met him in the utmost romanticism in all matters, and I I saw this, and this is a situation that makes us all shocked.”

Mustafa Kamel cried in grief over what happened at Helmy Bakr’s funeral, saying: “Everyone is more deserving of his own flesh and is jealous of his own. Many things bothered me. I want to search for the truth about what happened to him before his death, and I was surprised by his son’s affection for his father’s widow in a way that shocked me, and I met his son, his sisters, and his relatives.” Those who were asking for help from his wife while they were with her were just fine after his death at the funeral, as if nothing had happened between them.”

He added: “I used to make a promise to myself that I would not interfere in any matter related to Professor Helmy Bakr, because I was tired of my impulsiveness in what I did for him, and he would go back to being negligent about himself again… I loved him and he was a man who loved me and had value in my life personally, but At some point, I said, Okay, I will leave because I have my home, my children, and my reputation, and all the attacks that I was attacking were because of my love for Helmi Bakr, and when Hisham his son spoke to me from Egypt, I was saying, “Please come to your father and we will stand at your back, but you are better off.”

Mustafa Kamel concluded his speech by saying: “After every problem I had with Helmy Bakr, he would come back again and his argument was his daughter. All his words were about his daughter, and during the period of separation from her mother we would meet and he would sit and talk to me about her, and I saw in his eyes that this girl was a point.” His weakness, and he manipulated her, and he was looking for something he loved in his life and he found her, and the one he did not find with women, he found in his daughter, he convinced himself that she was his lover.”

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