War in Gaza, Rafah: immediately – Daniel Hagari in a special statement | live broadcast

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari announced this evening (Friday) that the bodies of Yitzhak Gelranter, Shani Lock and Amit Buskila were recovered tonight in a special operation by the IDF and Shin Bet. and Amit ran away from the Nova party,” he noted at the beginning of his remarks.

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He also added: The bodies of the abductees were recovered from the Gaza Strip in a joint operation by IDF and Shin Bet forces. For a long time, this was on the basis of intelligence guidance that was based on Shin Bet investigations. The bodies were recovered for further identification procedures at the Institute of Forensic Medicine.”

He referred to the enormous pain of the families: “The IDF and the Shin Bet share in the grief of the families at this difficult time. I call on the public to please refrain from spreading messages.” On the continuation of the fighting, he said: “The intense fighting continues and the goal of returning the abductees is before the eyes of the commanders and fighters in the field. We will continue to act with all the means at our disposal to create the conditions to return the abductees home as quickly as possible.”

The bodies were located yesterday, during the activity of the soldiers of the Diamond Unit of the Engineering Corps and the soldiers of the 202nd Battalion of the Parachute Brigade. The bodies were transferred for examination and identification at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Abu Kabir. Today at noon, confirmation was received that these were the three abductees, and IDF representatives informed the families of the difficult news.

The Shin Bet and the IDF’s Intelligence Unit 504 passed on information about the possibility of abductees being in a certain area in the north of the Gaza Strip. After analysis, the information and the terrain, the task was assigned to a special force of combat engineering and the paratroopers led by Division 98. The force operated in a militarily complex place and after several hours of scanning, the bodies were located inside a special case, which taught that they were kept “as cards” for a future deal.

The IDF continues to try and find a clue as to the fate of the abductees. Now they will try to check the date of the murder, whether it happened on the day of the kidnapping, or during the time they were held captive by the terrorist organization in Gaza.

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