Yurcic warns Pyramids players of Rwandan army surprises

Croatian coach Kornislav Jurcic has signed a contract with the team. PyramidsSeveral lectures with his team players to emphasize the need to focus on the second leg match against the Rwandan army, which will bring them together this evening.

The first football team of the club hosts Pyramids At nine o’clock this evening, Saturday, its counterpart, the Rwandan army, in the second leg of the 32nd round of the African Champions League at the Air Defense Stadium, after a draw in the first leg in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, with one goal for each team.

Kornislav was keen to talk to his team players about the importance of focusing on the match and being careful of the Rwandan army’s surprises, especially since the first leg ended in a positive draw, which is a deceptive result, stressing the need to work on deciding the return match early and not waiting for any surprises to happen that would tip the scales.

The match will be managed by a team of referees from Chad, led by referee Mohamed Allaw, with Boujoula Issa as the first assistant, Musa Hafez as the second assistant, and Abdul Karim Othman as the fourth referee. The match will be monitored by Mamoun Bishara from Sudan, and the referees’ performance will be monitored by Manuel Canedo from Angola.

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