Anniversary of the passing of Pope Shenouda.. Where was Pope Tawadros II on the day of his departure, and how did he know the news?

Today, Sunday, the Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the 12th anniversary of the departure of… Pope Shenouda III The 117th Patriarch in the history of the Church. He mentioned His Holiness Pope Tawadros II In exclusive statements to Al-Youm Al-Seven, he recalled his memories of the day of the departure of Pope Shenouda III, saying: … Read more

Human Resources answers: Is there an increase in the minimum value of the Social Security pension on the occasion of the month of Ramadan?

Recently, a lot of news has spread related to increasing the minimum value of the Social Security pension in the holy month of Ramadan specifically. As we know, this program aims to provide a decent life for all citizens and enhance their standard of living and health, and it is a fixed monthly salary, but … Read more